No one criticizes Eid al-Fitr, but only Eid al-Adha. Why? .... Please read:

Until 1983, thousands of tons of Hajj meat were burnt due to spoilage and an unpleasant odour

For over 1400 years in Islamic history, millions of tons of Hajj meat would spoil. To prevent the spread of diseases, the people of Mecca resorted to burning it, resulting in a foul smell that drove the inhabitants away from the city. You can read the full story here (link).

This continued to happen until the advent of modern technology in 1983 when Western companies introduced the revolutionary method of flash freezing to preserve these large quantities of meat on a mass scale (link).

Why did a supposedly all-wise Allah allow thousands of tons of meat to spoil every year for the past 1400 years in the name of pleasing Him?

The answer is simple: there is no such entity as an all-wise Allah in the heavens. Instead, it was Muhammad himself who established these regulations, and thus, we see the presence of human errors within Islamic Sharia that contradict the concept of being all-wise.

Muhammad himself wasted the meat by sacrificing one-hundred animals on Eid day 

Muhammad slaughtered 100 animals on Eid. And it was so much meat that he was able to take only one piece of flesh from each animal for his meal.

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1218a:

... The total number of those sacrificial animals brought by 'Ali from the Yemen and of those brought by the Apostle (ﷺ) was one hundred ... He then went to the place of sacrifice, and sacrificed sixty-three (camels) with his own hand. Then he gave the remaining number to 'All who sacrificed them, and he shared him in his sacrifice. He then commanded that a piece of flesh from each animal sacrificed should be put in a pot, and when it was cooked, both of them (the Prophet and Hadrat 'All) took some meat out of it and drank its soup.

Islam apologists try to make an excuse that Muhammad fed the rest of the meat to the poor people of Mecca. But this seems impossible while not only Muhammad, but thousands of other people who also did Hajj along with Muhammad, also brought the animals for sacrifice along with them. And there could never be so many poor people in Mecca to finish all that amount of meat before it got spoiled and burnt/buried to avoid the smell and diseases. 

Due to this Sunnah of Muhammad, still today rich Arabs (and other rich Muslims) sacrifice dozens of animals on Hajj festival only to show that they are rich. 

Every year, thousands of animals would perish during the arduous journey towards Mecca.

In the past, the journey to Mecca for Hajj was incredibly challenging, especially for those travelling from distant cities and countries. Over thousands of kilometres, thousands of goats, sheep, and camels would succumb to death due to dehydration, lack of food, and extreme heat.

Only through the advancements of modern technology, pioneered by the Western world, has it become feasible to gather hundreds of thousands of animals in Mecca for the Eid festival.

As a result, one cannot help but question the "wisdom" attributed to the supposed divine Allah.

How can we accept the notion of such a deity, lacking wisdom, and responsible for the needless deaths of billions of animals over the course of the last 1400 years?

Muslim Excuse of Circulation of Wealth:

Clearly, the killing of millions of animals in the name of Allah on the day of Eid al-Adha is a great ‘wastage’ of resources, and no divine god who has any ‘wisdom’ can order such waste. 

But Muslims come up with this excuse that it is actually the ‘circulation of wealth’ which is a great way to improve the economy. Millions of butchers get jobs on this day, the transport of these animals creates jobs, and the skins of animals create jobs in the leather factories. 

But this Muslim argument is against wisdom and irrational. 

If these millions of animals are not slaughtered on Eid, then they will not disappear from the earth. No, but they will stay there and will be available for slaughter in moderation during the whole year. And the butchers will get a job to do all year round, and the poor needy people will also get meat all year round, and the leather industry will also get skins all year round. 

The slaughtering of millions of animal in one go doesn't create economic activity but diminish the economic circle. Especially those animals who can be utilized for breeding, milking and manuring for long life for human welfare.

Do you know:

  • People in many poor Muslim countries (especially children) are suffering from malnourishment. 
  • The deficiency of vitamin B12 does not go away by consuming several kilos of meat in one day or in one week, but it needs the consumption of meat in moderation throughout the year. 

Muslim Argument: Poor people get the meat to eat due to Eid al-Adha

Muslims proudly claim that thousands of tons of meat are sent to needy people in poor Islamic countries, and they get the chance to eat meat only due to Eid al-Adha. 

But do Muslims ever question the ‘wisdom’ of Allah? 

Firstly, millions of livestock are transported to Mecca from poor Muslim countries like Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan etc. 

Then they are slaughtered in Mecca, and then their frozen meat is again transported to those same poor Islamic countries (from where the livestock actually came i.e. Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan etc.), but during this ‘Double Transportation,’ the cost goes several times higher. So, what is the point of all this drama of slaughter in Mecca only? Why not send the meat directly to needy people? 

And while millions of animals are slaughtered in a single day, thus the price of meat goes so high in the rest of the year that poor people are unable to buy any meat all year long. In countries like Pakistan, then donkey and even dog meat is sold in the markets (link).

Please also remember, transporting livestock is 8 to 10 times costlier than transporting meat. Moreover, you also have to transport a lot of grass and feed for the additional livestock. And you also have to make shelters for living animals, which again costs extra. And worse, still many animals die during this unnecessary transportation. 

If Allah truly wanted to feed the poor, He would have instructed a method of sacrificing animals not just one day a year, but one day every month. Eating meat for only one day doesn't improve anyone's B12 levels or fulfill their protein needs. 

Muslim claim that people criticize Eid al-Adha only due to their enmity towards Islam

Muslims claim that spending money and wasting some resources on festivals is done all over the world, why then only to target Eid al-Adha? 

But again, this Muslim's claim is wrong. You will never see non-Muslims ever criticizing Eid al-Fitr (the Muslim festival which comes after Ramadhan). 


Please ponder upon it, why is it so that Eid al-Fitr is not criticized, but only Eid al-Adha is criticized?

The answer is simple, till the time things stay in moderation, there is no criticism of it. Unfortunately, killing millions of animals in a single Eid day is beyond moderation and it is not in order to meet the necessities of humankind, but only in order to make the so-called Allah happy. 

For the production of one kg of meat, 60 times more land is needed as compared to one kg of vegetables (link). 

And 100 times more water is needed for the production of one kg of meat as compared to one kg of vegetables (link).

Alone in Lahore (one city in Pakistan) 25,000 people were hospitalized due to overeating on Eid

Link to the news

All-Knowing and All-Wise Allah went against human psychology when it allowed them to sacrifice whole animals, and then to eat from it themselves too. 

You cannot stop people from going out of balance in such a situation. This overeating is happening for the last 1400 years, and it will keep on happening so, while it is against human psychology. 

Muslim's excuse: McDonald's also kills millions of animals

Islam apologists start blaming us for being hypocrites that we criticize Eid, but we don't criticize McDonald's, although it also kills millions of animals.

And we reply to these Islam apologists that McDonald's does not have those evils, which are involved in Eid:

  • McDonald's does not slaughter all those millions of animals in one single day, but it slaughters them in moderation the whole year long. 
  • Due to this moderation, the prices of meet do not go high up to the skies (like it happens in Islamic countries while killing millions of animals in one single day).
  • Due to this moderation, even poor people are able to eat meat the whole year long. While in Pakistan, they kill millions of animals in one day, and then poor people cannot afford meat for the rest of the year, and even donkey meat is sold in the market (without telling the customers that it is donkey meat). Link

McDonald's is more criticized for using chemicals in its burgers than the usage of meat patties. And this criticism is also present in the West that animals are handled poorly on the farms and they are given antibiotics and other non-healthy food for getting meat on a mass scale.

But in comparison to the West, Muslims are totally unable to do even the slightest criticism of Allah for all the evils that are attached to Eid. 

Look at Foolishness: They killed billions of animals in the past 1400 years, but they don't even know if it was Ishaaq who was sacrificed or Ismael

It seems initially Muhammad also followed the story of the Bible, and declared that it was Ishaaq who was sacrificed. But then this story became a problem for Muslims while Ishaaq never visited Mecca and a question was raised how then Ishaaq was sacrificed on the day of Hajj in Mecca? 

Initially, Muslims tried to defend it by fabricating Hadith that like Muhammad's 'night journey' and 'ascension' on a mule-type animal, Ishaaq also reached Mecca on the day of Hajj in a miracle way. 

Since this excuse of coming of Ishaaq through a miracle to Mecca was funny, thus later coming Muslims fabricated new Ahadith, where they started claiming that it was not Ishaaq, but Ismael who was sacrificed on the day of Hajj in Mecca. 

Nevertheless, despite those dozens of later fabricated Ahadith in favour of Ismael, many of the Muslim Scholars in the initial centuries kept on believing that it was Ishaaq who was sacrificed. 

Imam Qurtabi (under the commentary of Verse 37:102) recorded the name of Sahaba and Tabaeen who declared Ishaaq to be Zabih-Ullah i.e. the son who was sacrificed (link):

وٱختلف العلماء في المأمور بذبحه. فقال أكثرهم: الذبيح إسحاق. وممن قال بذلك العباس بن عبد المطلب وٱبنه عبد اللّه وهو الصحيح عنه. روى الثوريّ وٱبن جريج يرفعانه إلى ٱبن عباس قال: الذبيح إسحاق. وهو الصحيح عن عبد اللّه بن مسعود أن رجلاً قال له: يا بن الأشياخ الكرام. فقال عبد اللّه: ذلك يوسف بن يعقوب بن إسحاق ذبيح اللّه بن إبراهيم خليل اللّه صلى اللّه عليهم وسلم ـ. وقد روى حماد بن زيد يرفعه إلى رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " إن الكريم ابن الكريم ابن الكريم ابن الكريم يوسف بن يعقوب بن إسحاق بن إبراهيم صلى الله عليه وسلم " وروى أبو الزبير عن جابر قال: الذبيح إسحاق. وذلك مروي أيضاً عن عليّ بن أبي طالب رضي اللّه عنه. وعن عبد اللّه بن عمر: أن الذبيح إسحاق. وهو قول عمر رضي اللّه عنه. فهؤلاء سبعة من الصحابة. وقال به من التابعين وغيرهم عَلْقَمة والشّعبي ومجاهد وسعيد بن جُبير وكعب الأحبار وقتادة ومسروق وعِكرمة والقاسم بن أبي بَزَّة وعطاء ومقاتل وعبد الرحمن بن سابط والزهريّ والسديّ وعبد اللّه بن أبي الهذيل ومالك بن أنس، كلهم قالوا: الذبيح إسحاق. وعليه أهل الكتابين اليهود والنصارى، واختاره غير واحد منهم النحاس والطبري وغيرهما.

(Qurtabi wrote) There is a difference of opinion among the scholars who was sacrificed. The MAJORITY of them said that it was Ishaaq ....
(Then  Qurtabi recorded the name of Sahaba and Tabaeen who declared Ishaaq to be Zabih-Ullah.
They were 7 companions:
(1) Ibn 'Abbas
(2) 'Ali ibn Abi Talib
(3) 'Abdullah Ibn Masood
(4) Jabir bin 'Abdullah Ansari
(5) Umar Ibn Khattab
(6) Abdullah Ibn Umar
(7) Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
While the following Successors (i.e. the Muslim generation after Sahaba) also considered Ishaaq to be Zabih-Ullah:
(1) Alqama
(2) Sh'ubi
(3) Mujahid
(4) Saeed bin Jubair
(5) K'ab al-Ahbar
(6) Qatadah
(7) Masrooq
(8) 'Ikrimah
(9) Qasim bin Abi Baza
(10) 'Atta
(11) Maqatil
(12) Abdul Rehman bin Sabit
(13) Zuhri
(14) Suddi
(15) 'Abdullah bin Hazil
(16) Imam Malik ibn Anas.
While scholars like Nahas and Tabari also declared Ishaaq to be Zabih-Ullah. 

After that, Imam Qurtabi also recorded the name of Sahaba and Tabaeen who declared Ismael to be Zabih-Ullah.

وقال آخرون: هو إسماعيل. وممن قال ذلك أبو هريرة وأبو الطفيل عامر بن واثلة. وروي ذلك عن ٱبن عمر وٱبن عباس أيضاً، ومن التابعين سعيد بن المسيّب والشّعبي ويوسف بن مِهْران ومجاهد والربيع بن أنس ومحمد بن كعب القُرَظيّ والكلبي وعلقمة.
(Imam Qurtabi then recorded the name of Sahaba and Tabaeen who declared Ismael to be Zabih-Ullah)
Those were 4 Sahaba
(1) Abu Hurairah
(2) Abu Tufail 'Aamir bin Wasila
(3) Ibn Umar
(4) Ibn Abbas.
And Successors are as under:
(1) Sa'eed bin al-Musayyab
(2) Sh'ubi
(3) Yousuf bin Mahran
(4) Mujahid
(5) Rabi bin Anas
(6) Muhammad bin Kaab al-Qurzi
(7) Kalbi
(8) Alqama)

In the end, Imam Qurtabi wrote his own decision in the following words (link):

وهذا القول أقوى في النقل عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وعن الصحابة والتابعين.
The saying (i.e. Ishaaq was Zabih-Ullah) has been narrated through stronger traditions from the Prophet and Sahaba and Successors.

There are 131 traditions, which claim Ishaaq was the son who was sacrificed. But later Hadith Fabrication Factory by Islam apologists fabricated 133 traditions in order to counter the first Statement and they claimed it was Ismael who was sacrificed. Through this, they wanted to give preference to Muhammad and his ancestor (Ismael) over Jews and their ancestor Ishaaq (link). 

A funny situation arises while there are traditions from Ibn Abbas, 'Abdullah Ibn Umar, Sh'ubi, Mujahid and Alqama who declare Ishaaq to be Zabih-Ullah, but at the same time there are traditions where these same people are declaring Ismael to be Zabih-Ullah. 

How is it possible?

These are the contradictions which completely expose Ahadith, and Ilm-ul-Hadith, and Muslim factories of fabrication of Ahadith. 


Normally Muhammad followed the traditions/laws of Jews. But Hajj was completely a custom of pagan Arabs and it had to do nothing with Judaism/Christianity. There is no mention of any such Hajj in the bible, or in any history book regarding Jews/Christians. And there is also no archaeological evidence that Jews/Christians took a journey towards Mecca yearly for any Hajj. 

Muhammad took the basic structure of his newly formed religion from Jews/Christians, but he also included Hajj into it while he wanted to influence the pagan Arabs by continuing this practice of Hajj.