There is neither any Allah present in the heavens, nor there came any revelation. You will see the color of 'human mistakes' all over in this religion, which is a proof that Muhammad was making this religion at his own. 

Among those human mistakes, one was when Muhammad made the cousin marriage Halal (permissible), although cousins are sharing 12.5% common genes, which leads to terrible genetic disorders among the children. 

But on the other hand, Muhammad also made another human mistake i.e. where he declared that breastfeeding makes children foster brothers and sisters and they cannot marry each other. 

But modern science proves that breastfeeding a child (or an adult) 5 times (or even hundreds of times) makes no changes in the genes of a child, and no genetic disorders occur in the progeny if he marries the daughter of that woman. It was only a tradition of time of ignorance of Arab society, and Muhammad kept on following it, while there exist no All-Knowing Allah in the heavens who could have stopped Muhammad from making this mistake. 

Please ponder upon it, is it not the same concept which is present in Hinduism too, where they declare cows to be their mothers while they drank their milk, as it has been written in their religious books?

Closure of 'Breast Milk Bank' in Bangladesh, while according to Islam breastfeeding makes children foster brothers/sisters 

Mother milk is the best and most complete diet for a newborn child, and it is especially a must in order to save the life of weak babies. That is why, a Breast Milk Bank was created in Bangladesh too for 500 orphan newborn babies, so that other women could donate their extra milk there. 

But this cast a storm among the Muslims, and they immediately issued Fatwas that a conspiracy is being held against Allah in name of Breast Milk Bank, and they are promoting ZINA (fornication) among foster brothers/sisters. 

And the Fitna (evil opposition) of Muslims was so heavy that the poor people behind the Breast Milk Bank had to immediately close it, in order to save their lives. But unfortunately, the poor newborn babies are unable to save their lives from this evil of Muslims, and they have to pay price of this evil of Muslims through losing their lives. 

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