There is no bigger proof than LOVE, that homosexuality is Natural

Homosexuality is actually based upon LOVE for each other, while sex is only one part of it. There is no doubt that:

  • Homosexual people also indulge in love with each other as straight people indulge in love with each other.
  • They also dream about their lover
  • They also feel mental satisfaction in LIVING together with their lover.
  • They enjoy having sex with each other. 

And love can never be unnatural. Therefore, homosexuality can only be considered unnatural when we deny that there exists any love between homosexuals. 

2 Objections of Islamic Preachers: (1) If love is love, why don't you drink water from the toilet? (2) Homosexuality brings more risks for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

But Muslim preachers came up with 2 more objections:

If love is love, then water is also water. Why don't you drink from toilet?

The comparison is a fallacy, while:

  • There is no Love & Attraction attached to any particular toilet and its water.
  • It is never like this that you find amusement in drinking toilet water, but find no ATTRACTION and LOVE and AMUSEMENT in drinking bottled water. 
  • But homosexuality is a whole system, where sex is only one part of it. And this sex is completely attached to Love and Attraction and Amusement. 
  • This is human nature. 

Religious people are making the same mistake again and again and again. 

  • We tell them that NATURE is not 100% perfect, and there exists no Allah in the heavens, who is 100% perfect. 
  • We tell them that NATURE does not care about humans, and what could be 100% perfect for them. 
  • We tell them that we humans have to ADOPT, and we have to COMPROMISE according to nature.
  • We tell them, for a Greater GAIN, we have to accept that part of nature too, which we don't find 100% perfect, or even disgusting, or even when it contains some RISKS.

1st Example: Greater Gain VS Lesser Disgust/Lesser Risk of Diseases (STDs)

Male and female genitals contain a lot of bacteria and a lot of diseases as compared to the skin of other parts of the body. They are also not fragrant like flowers, but they are disgusting due to their stinky smell, while these same organs are used for urine too. 

Why? Why didn't nature make separate organs for sex, which had no bacteria and diseases, and which are fragrant as flowers? While Nature does not care about 100% perfection for human sake. And we humans still have to compromise over lesser disgust for the greater gain of pleasure. 

2nd Example: Greater Gain VS Lesser Disgust/Lesser Risk of STDs

Why do straight humans find excitement and attraction in kissing the penis and vagina?  Male and female genitals contain a lot of bacteria and diseases, and they stink due to urine.

But NATURE does not care. 

And despite the risk of bacteria, diseases and disgust, still straight people have to adopt and make a compromise. It is known as going for Greater Gain despite the lesser disgust and lesser risk. 

Even Islam is unable to deny that dirty oral sex has NATURAL attraction and excitement, which provides mental satisfaction during the act of sex.

Thus, despite the factor of disgust, and risk of bacterial diseases, still Islam had to allow Muslim pairs to kiss each other's genitals. 

  • Here is a Shia Fatwa about kissing and mouthing each other’s genitals being Halal.
  • And here is a Sunni Fatwa that it is Halal that a wife can take the dirty penis in her mouth, and the husband can splash his semen upon her hair and face and all over. 

3rd Example: Greater Gain VS Lesser Disgust/Lesser Risk of STDs

The saliva of another person is disgusting. We also know a lot of diseases can transfer through the mouth, as saliva contains a lot of bacteria and germs. Still, humans feel a lot of attraction and love in kissing the lips of their partners, and sucking their tongues. And Nature does not care if this is 100% perfect for humans or not, or if it brings diseases or not.

And humans do follow Nature for greater gain, despite the factor of disgust and risk. 

Even Islam had to allow it. Muhammad himself used to take the tongue of 'Aisha in his mouth. 

In fact, Muhammad also used to kiss and take the tongue of Hassan and Hussain in his mouth. 

In fact, Muhammad also used to kiss and take the penis of Hassan and Hussain in his mouth too, in order to show his affection and love. Please read this article:

Prophet Muhammad used to kiss the PENIS of small boys Hassan and Hussain

Objection: Homosexuality should be banned while it raises the rate of AIDS

We have already made it clear above that Nature is not 100% perfect for humans.

Thus, all types of sexual relationships come with some risk factor, and we have to compromise for Greater Gain VS Lesser Risk.

Moreover, Religious people should learn to differentiate between "crime" and "disease". In case of a crime, that particular action is banned. But in the case of disease, it is not declared to be a crime, but it is cured. 

AIDS and other sexual diseases are not only spread through the anus only but also through the vagina too (despite the fact that the rate of spread could be lower in the case of the vagina). Should we then also declare sex in vaginas to be a crime? 

Therefore, if there is a chance of the spread of diseases due to the sexual interaction of two consenting adults, then we find the cure for the disease and take precautions against its spread, but we don't declare these natural actions to be crimes and prohibit people from them.

Science has already progressed to that extent in curing AIDS, where it is considered even less dangerous than the disease of diabetes (link). Should we now declare consuming sugar to be a crime too?