Islamic Preachers come up with the following argument, in order to defend the Quranic teachings of non-integration:

Secularism is against collectivism and based upon ‘individualism’ and talks about the rights and liberties of an individual person. It’s moral stance is that an individual person is allowed to do whatever he wishes to do, and let others do whatever they want to do. Therefore, when the Western people demands the ‘social integration’ from Muslim, who are living in the West, they are themselves contradicting the basics of the Liberalism/Secularism

These Islamic Preachers are suffering from the huge disease of misunderstanding Secularism. 

es, of course, secularism gives individuals the liberty of personal choice. For instance, if an individual chooses not to participate in Christmas celebrations according to his personal choice, then there is no issue with it.

But the criticism is not upon the ‘personal choice’ of an individual person, but the criticism here is upon the ‘Collective behaviour' of the ‘Muslim Community’, where their religion Islam has ordered them ‘collectively’ to neither marry the Kafirs, nor they are allowed to celebrate their festivals, nor to dress like them, nor to integrate in their society in any way. A paint shirt is a complete dress for men to hide their nakedness (i.e., 'Awrah) according to Islamic rules, but Islam still prohibits Muslim men from wearing a paint shirt, which is equal to integrating into the kafir society according to Islamic Sharia.  

Islam has thus killed this very basic ‘personal choice’ of an individual person by giving these collective orders

Thus, these teachings of Islam about the collective opposition to integration into Western society is a ‘Hate Speech’ against others, and it is against the SPIRIT of Secularism.

Secularism says it is a crime that people differentiate others on the basis of religion, race or colour. But religious Muslims living in Western countries under Secularism are committing exactly this same crime by differentiating other people on the basis of religion.

Muslim integration record into Western societies is very bad as compared to other foreign groups. They don’t allow their daughters to marry outsiders. They don’t put emphasis on education (compared to, say, immigrants from Asian countries). They tend to segregate into Muslim communities. They often don’t share the mainstream societies’ views on gender equality, homosexuality and other topics — even in the 2nd/3rd generation.

There is a direct clash between Secular Human Values and the teachings of Islam. 

Without Integration, you have Balkanization

"Balkanization" of society refers to the fragmentation or division of a society into smaller, often hostile, groups based on ethnic, religious, cultural, or other identities. This term originates from the historical geopolitical fragmentation of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe, where multiple ethnic and national groups have experienced intense conflicts and division.

Key Aspects of Balkanization:

  1. Fragmentation:

    • Society is split into smaller, distinct groups that identify strongly with their own community rather than the larger society.
    • These groups may form along ethnic, religious, linguistic, or cultural lines.
  2. Hostility and Conflict:

    • The divisions often lead to tension, mistrust, and sometimes open conflict between different groups.
    • The groups may compete for resources, political power, or social influence.
  3. Weakening of National Unity:

    • The overall unity and coherence of the nation-state are undermined.
    • National identity becomes less significant compared to subgroup identities.
  4. Impact on Governance:

    • Effective governance becomes challenging as the society becomes polarized.
    • Policies and decisions may be contested or blocked by different groups, leading to political instability.
  5. Social and Economic Consequences:

    • Social cohesion is weakened, which can lead to decreased economic cooperation and development.
    • Communities may become isolated from each other, reducing opportunities for interaction and mutual understanding.

Prevention and Integration:

To prevent Balkanization, efforts are often made to promote integration and unity within society. This can include:

  • Encouraging Intercommunity Interaction: Creating opportunities for different groups to interact and build mutual understanding. Unfortunately, Muslims segregate themselves and prefer to live and interact only with other Muslims. 
  • Education and Awareness: Teaching the importance of diversity, tolerance, and national unity. Unfortunately, Islam teaches no tolerance for other religions and national unity meany almost nothing to Muslims who are living in the western societies. 
  • Intercommunity Marriages: One of the best tools for fostering integration and avoiding Balkanization is inter-community marriages. Unfortunately, the rate of intercommunity marriages among Muslims is almost close to ZERO. 

All other communities (Jews, Christians, Hindus, or Atheist Chinese etc.) are integrating into the local Western societies without any problems. It is due to the reason that they have accepted that Secular Values stand above all religions (while they stand for humanity, and humanity is above all religions). 

If the Muslim community does not learn to give preference to the Human Secular Values above the hate teachings of the Quranic Kafirophobia, then they will never be able to integrate, even if they keep on living there for the next thousands of years. 

The lesson is simple, HUMANITY stands above all religions.