Muslim preachers spread propaganda that atheists have no hope of support from Allah during difficult times, leading to suicide. However, this claim is entirely false.

The reality is that only religious people fear death. For instance, Muslims fear the process of death, where the soul is taken out by the angel of death. This process is painful, as shown in Sahih Bukhari, 1339, where Moses slapped the angel of death. Prophet Muhammad also feared death and said, "O Allah! Help me with the throes of death and the agony of death" (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 978). Additionally, Muslims fear the terrible punishment in the grave, followed by the possibility of being sent to hell.

On the other hand, atheists have no fear of punishment in the afterlife. Yes, Atheists know that the process of death causes physical pain, but they suffer from no extra psychological pain that any angel will take out their souls while causing some spiritual pain. Actually, modern medical processes (like Euthanasia) have taken out even the fear of any physical pain at the time of death too from atheists. 

Therefore, atheists enjoy life until they can no longer do so. When suffering from old age or illness sets in, they are "mentally prepared" to embrace death peacefully.

This 'mental preparedness' is very important. It is your ‘mind’, which supports you and prepares you to face all kinds of terrible situations. 

For instance, when nearing death, your mind will ready you by rationalizing that death is inevitable since everything operates under the same principle. It will also persuade you that death serves as a 'blessing,' liberating you from anguish and misery. As a result of this mental preparation, atheists typically remain tranquil during their final moments. Witness it in individuals opting for euthanasia; such instances depict calmness.

In contrast, religious individuals endure both bodily and mental hardships at life's conclusion. They are unsettled, weeping, pleading, and seeking divine assistance amidst their woe. But should heavenly aid fail to arrive, Muslims encounter intellectual strain alongside their distress. They speculate about potential wrongdoings in their lives, questioning whether those transgressions might be the reason behind Allah's seemingly ignored petitions and, subsequently, the source of their excruciating demise.

Unlike Muslims, atheists become intellectually equipped for death, hence pursuing methods to minimize physical suffering. This path often leads them to consider euthanasia—the deliberate termination of life to alleviate torment.

However, Islamic preachers label euthanasia as suicide and deem it forbidden.

But for atheists, euthanasia is not considered haram, but rather a fundamental human right. They view it as a flaw in religion that takes away this right from humans by offering false hope that God or gods will intervene and rescue them from illness and pain. This religious deception forces humans to suffer a prolonged and agonizing life until their eventual death becomes a blessing and relief from their suffering. This, according to atheists, is one of the greatest cruelties inflicted upon humanity by religion.

Nowadays, we have numerous examples of euthanasia before us. In every single case, we observe that the individual is peacefully and happily embracing death. Therefore, even the death of atheists is not miserable; their passing brings them happiness. 

Please just watch these interviews. Just see how peaceful they are looking and showing absolutely no signs of fear or worries. They are mentally prepared. 

All Muslim preachers are challenged to present instances of people choosing euthanasia but not experiencing peace and contentment. They will struggle to find any, whereas atheists generally embrace death with positivity.

The truth is that the suicide rate is higher within the atheist community because its members are mentally prepared to accept their mortality.

Similarly, if someone does any injustice to you, it is still your mind that guides you to recognize that this universe did not come into being based on the principles of 'justice'. There is no inherent principle of justice within nature itself; instead, it is human beings who have developed a sense of justice over time through evolution, and therefore they strive to uphold it for the betterment of society. Your mind will instruct you that if anyone is doing injustice to you, you must exhibit patience and persist in speaking out against such injustice. As a result, our minds prepare us mentally to confront injustices with fortitude and valor.

In brief, there is no situation in the world for which our minds cannot prepare us mentally to face. Once we are mentally prepared, we do not require any additional false hope or divine assistance.

Furthermore, religious individuals rely heavily on the false hope of gods, failing to develop mental resilience in the face of adversity. Consequently, when their false expectations are shattered, they experience even greater anguish than before. False hopes prevent people from facing reality and making informed decisions, leading to incorrect choices fueled by blind faith. Ultimately, they become even more disheartened.

Unlike secular individuals, religious people do not allocate their energy, time, and resources towards resolving underlying problems. Instead, they invest their efforts in prayer and sacrifice to appease their deities.


One ex-Muslim wrote:

I know for me, it’s not my atheism which causes depression, it’s from other extremist Muslims!

Another ex-Muslim wrote:

What makes me depressed and suicidal isn't the fact that I don't believe in god, it's the fact that I have to pretend as if i do.

Another ex-Muslim wrote:

Life is tough when your whole world is Muslim, but you the outcast. If you are a loner, like me, uh it's fine, hell with them, but for a social person .. he just lost the entire social life.

Another ex-Muslim wrote:

For me, it's the fact that it makes “people like me” who are gay and atheist seem like demons, and when everyone around you believes you should be put to death because of who you are and what you believe in, it's quite hard to stay sane and not want to kill yourself