
We suggest that Islamic preachers first examine Islam thoroughly before raising objections against others. Let's consider whether Muhammad himself ever read even four books. What about his thousands of companions? Did they even read a single book? In fact, the Jews of that time were likely more educated than Muhammad and his illiterate companions. However, Muhammad justified his lower level of knowledge (and of his companions) by calling Jews "donkeys", who are only carrying a load of books (Quran 62:5).

Furthermore, ex-Muslim atheists have often delved into Islam far more extensively than just reading four books. They possess greater knowledge than non-Muslims who convert to Islam. It is essential to address the double standards employed by Muslim preachers.

  • They argue that non-Muslims become wise enough to make an informed decision to embrace Islam despite their limited knowledge.
  • However, the same preachers impose the condition that ex-Muslims must obtain a PhD degree in Islam before criticizing or leaving the religion.
  • Moreover, if companions and the Quran refer to opponents as "ignorant" (Quran 6:111) or "donkeys" (Quran 62:5), then Muslim preachers have no issue with it and do not view it as an insult. However, when educated ex-Muslim atheists critique Islam, they are labeled as "illiterates," and their criticism is considered an insult to Islam and blasphemy.

Yet, the universal truth remains that one does not need to read just four books in order to criticize or leave a religion. Rather, one's "common sense" and “humanity” are sufficient to realize that a particular religion may be flawed. Moreover, one also needs “sense of justice” and a “pure heart” in order to ACCEPT the truth. Without a pure heart, one only becomes a blind follower, and even thousands of books cannot help him to accept the Truth.

Moreover, atheists are known for their abundance of common sense. Even their opponents acknowledge that atheists do not trust blindly; they question every claim and employ their rationality to evaluate each one. It is through these rigorous methods that they accept or reject a claim. This ability of "critical thinking" is far more important in order to find the truth, than merely reading four books.

The conclusion is straightforward: One does not require a PhD degree to enter Islam or to criticize or leave it.

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