Firstly, please differentiate between the concept of "invention" and "creation". 

Secondly, a mobile phone is an "Intelligent Design", where not a single part is used without any "purpose". 

But look at the universe. Many stars (which are even bigger than the Earth) are destroyed and then formed every day. It has been happening for 14.8 billion years. What is the "purpose" of all this destruction? Can this destruction without any purpose be called an "Intelligent Design"?

Please ponder upon it:

  1. Lack of Purpose in Natural Phenomena: The universe is filled with natural processes that seem to lack a clear purpose or intention. For example, the continuous formation and destruction of stars, as well as the extinction of species throughout Earth's history, raises questions about the purpose or intention behind these events. The existence of dinosaurs and the subsequent extinction of various species before modern humans appeared can be seen as examples of natural processes that occurred without a discernible purpose.

  2. Inefficiency in Natural Events: The vastness and complexity of the universe often display inefficiency or seeming randomness. Events like the destruction of billions of stars without a clear reason or purpose can be seen as evidence against an intelligent design. If the universe were intentionally created by a god, one might question why such destructive events occur without apparent purpose or benefit.

  3. Evolutionary Processes: The evolutionary history of life on Earth demonstrates a non-directed, natural process. The development and extinction of numerous species over millions of years point to an evolutionary mechanism driven by natural selection rather than a predetermined plan or purpose. This suggests that the diversity of life we observe today is a result of natural processes rather than intentional design.

As PB Shelley once said, "Design must be proved before a designer is inferred."

On one hand, we have a light bulb that we know is designed by humans. On the other hand, we have natural phenomena such as stars, rocks, clouds, and galaxies that arise through natural processes. Are these random objects designed? No religious person, including Muslims, would argue for the design of an unattractive rock, a broken tree, or a random cloud. Why? Because anything that lacks aesthetic appeal or functional purpose appears to lack design. When they observe stars, moons, or spiral galaxies, they perceive design partly due to their aesthetic beauty and functionality. However, as Shelley rightly argues, design must be proven before inferring a designer. They have not even established the design, yet they infer a designer. This is a leap of faith. Aesthetic and functional reasons alone are insufficient to prove design. Conway's Game of Life, for example, starts with simple rules and configurations, yet complex shapes and dynamics emerge over time. These shapes may appear aesthetically pleasing and serve a purpose, but there is no secret design or designer involved.

The logic that "everything has a creator" is flawed. While humans may have creators (our parents), asserting that Allah has no creator while applying the creator argument to everything else is inconsistent.

Furthermore, even if we assume that the universe has a creator, it does not automatically prove that the creator is Allah. There is no fault in considering the possibility that other deities, such as Zeus, Odin, or Amaterasu, as believed by people of other religions, could be the creators. In fact, one could even entertain the idea that an advanced alien civilization created the entire universe.

Imperfections and limitations in human evolution: 

In the context of discussing imperfections and limitations in human evolution that contradict the notion of intelligent design, here are a few examples:

  1. Human Reproduction: Take a moment to consider the seemingly chaotic nature of human reproduction. How many trillions of sperm cells are wasted by a man throughout his life for the birth of just a few children? Can we truly compare this process to the intelligent design of a mobile phone, where every part serves a specific purpose without any extras? Millions of sperm cells are propelled towards a single egg cell in the hope that one will successfully penetrate it. However, this process often fails. Even if conception occurs, gestation may fail in approximately 15% of cases, resulting in spontaneous abortions.

  2. Suboptimal design: The human body exhibits several instances of suboptimal design that suggest the absence of an intelligent designer. For instance, the recurrent laryngeal nerve takes a circuitous route from the brain to the larynx, passing through the chest instead of taking a more direct path (Source). This is inefficient and prone to potential complications, but natural selection has no way to correct the problem. Similarly, the human lower back is susceptible to pain and injury due to the structure and arrangement of the spine, which could be considered a design flaw.

  3. Vestigial structures: Humans possess several vestigial structures—organs or features that have lost or reduced their original function throughout evolution. Examples include the appendix, which appears to have little or no significant purpose in modern humans, and the coccyx (tailbone), a remnant of our evolutionary ancestors' tails. The existence of vestigial structures suggests a history of evolutionary change rather than intentional design.

  4. Genetic disorders and susceptibility to diseases: Human DNA carries various genetic disorders and predispositions to diseases. If humans were intentionally designed, it would be expected that genetic disorders and vulnerabilities would be minimized or eliminated. However, the presence of genetic diseases and susceptibility to various ailments suggests that our genetic makeup has evolved over time and is subject to random mutations rather than guided by an intelligent design.

  5. Suboptimal adaptations: Humans possess certain adaptations that may have been suitable for ancestral environments but are less optimal in modern contexts. For example, our upright walking posture, while advantageous for certain purposes, makes humans more susceptible to back problems compared to animals with a more quadrupedal stance. This suggests that human anatomy and adaptations are products of gradual evolutionary change rather than intentional design.

The human body is a mess. It's a miracle that it works at all. If a human designer were to come up with a product as haphazard and slipshod as the human body they would be fired long ago.

It's important to note that these imperfections and limitations do not imply that humans are without value or significance. They are simply indications that the human form and function have evolved over time, influenced by natural selection and other evolutionary processes, rather than being the result of deliberate intelligent design.



A viewer wrote:

I might also add how much hardship pregnancy causes for women. From the hormonal changes, heart burn, back problems, sleeping problems during pregnancy and the pain and in some cases lethal dangers of giving birth. If a creator was responsible for that mess, as a customer I'd want my money back.

Another viewer commented:

And then same creator of said system makes it halal to impregnate little girls who just reached puberty, in which giving birth has a huge chance of either killing her or in the very least affecting both her and the baby negatively (Source). Truly a mercy for the entire world (21:107)