Islamic Preachers are asked if the Hijab is a CHOICE, why then do Islam and Islamic States and Muslim families IMPOSE it upon their daughters by law and by force?

In response, Islamic preachers think that their best option to defend Islam is to bring the issue of NUDITY in a non-religious state and families. They immediately ask a counter-question:

  • Will non-religious people bring their kids to the naked gay parades? 
  • Or will they allow their daughters to go NUDE in public? 

You will also find such pervert Islamic Apologists:


Islamic preachers also bring the issue of the people walking nude in the pride parade (Video Link)


The issue with Muslim preachers is their denial of the "Evolution of Dress," which is a factual phenomenon. The evolution of dress began as a response to weather conditions, as our ancestors migrated to colder or hotter regions. They needed clothing for protection against extreme temperatures, while modern humans lost their body hair, leaving them vulnerable to the elements.

Over time, the way people dressed became a symbol of status, with women from wealthy families covering themselves more, while women from poorer families or slaves often remained naked or partially clothed. This evolution eventually turned into a fashion trend. The lower class people, including slaves, often wore little to no clothing, and the upper class wore very luxurious clothing. Clothing norms evolved from there.

Clothing has an interesting history, but it wasn’t originally invented for “modesty” reasons. Actually, ancient people had no issue with clothing at all, and dress codes became established relatively recently on a human history timescale. It was these dress codes that led to the cultural aversion in some places of people being naked.

The question arises: Why do Muslim preachers solely use Western countries as their example? They should also consider indigenous tribes (link) that have practised Naturism (i.e. a lifestyle of practising non-sexual social nudity in private and in public) for thousands of years.

Although these tribes move naked in public without any dress, they still maintain strong family systems. These tribes don’t have rape and sexual assault as a big issue within them, and men and women see each other COMPLETELY NAKED. Compared to this, millions of Muslim women experience extreme molestation in Muslim countries despite wearing the Hijab. Even during the most religious Hajj gatherings, Muslim girls are exposed to extreme molestation. 

Reason: Not showing men women's bodies is only going to make them fetishize the tiniest detail they do get to see. If women's bodies were treated normally, men would get used to them and not fetishize every tiny part of them. The same is true if you don't let men talk and interact with women. It will never allow them to understand women and their feelings and how to deal with them respectfully.

Please read all the details in this article:  The practice of Islamic Hijab and Modesty leads only to sexual frustration

Western countries, too, have experienced a gradual evolution of dress. Influenced by the Christian religion for centuries, many Westerners still adhere to conservative dress codes. However, there is a growing movement of naturists in these countries, leading to the establishment of hundreds of nude beaches where nudity is completely normalized.

In Denmark, nudism is permitted along 4,500 kilometres of coastline (where kids are also present along with families), and the same applies to other Scandinavian countries (source: While private offices and government institutions may have specific dress codes, in your personal life, you are even free to wear a bikini in public places. Despite the presence of bikinis in public or even total nudity on beaches, women in Western countries are not subjected to molestation and generally enjoy a safer environment compared to Muslim women, who unfortunately face instances of molestation even during Hajj gatherings.

Here is an introduction to the history of Nudity:

The history of nudity involves social attitudes to nakedness of the human body in different cultures in history. The use of clothing to cover the body is one of the changes that mark the end of the Neolithic, and the beginning of civilizations. Nudity (or near-complete nudity) has traditionally been the social norm for both men and women in hunter-gatherer cultures in warm climates, and it is still common among many indigenous peoples. The need to cover the body is associated with human migration out of the tropics into climates where clothes were needed as protection from sun, heat, and dust in the Middle East; or from cold and rain in Europe and Asia. The first use of animal skins and cloth may have been as adornment, along with body modification, body painting, and jewelry, invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige. The skills used in their making were later found to be practical as well.

In modern societies, complete nudity in public became increasingly rare as nakedness became associated with lower status, but the mild Mediterranean climate allowed for a minimum of clothing, and in a number of ancient cultures, the athletic and/or cultist nudity of men and boys was a natural concept. In ancient Greece, nudity became associated with the perfection of the gods. In ancient Rome, complete nudity could be a public disgrace, though it could be seen at the public baths or in erotic art. In the Western world, with the spread of Christianity, any positive associations with nudity were replaced with concepts of sin and shame. Although rediscovery of Greek ideals in the Renaissance restored the nude to symbolic meaning in art, by the Victorian era, public nakedness was considered obscene. In Asia, public nudity has been viewed as a violation of social propriety rather than sin; embarrassing rather than shameful. However, in Japan, mixed-gender communal bathing was quite normal and commonplace until the Meiji Restoration.

While the upper classes had turned clothing into fashion, those who could not afford otherwise continued to swim or bathe openly in natural bodies of water or frequent communal baths through the 19th century. Acceptance of public nudity re-emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Philosophically based movements, particularly in Germany, opposed the rise of industrialization. Freikörperkultur (Free Body Culture) represented a return to nature and the elimination of shame. In the 1960s naturism moved from being a small subculture to part of a general rejection of restrictions on the body. Women reasserted the right to uncover their breasts in public, which had been the norm until the 17th century. The trend continued in much of Europe, with the establishment of many clothing-optional areas in parks and on beaches.

Through all of the historical changes in the developed countries, cultures in the tropical climates of sub-Saharan Africa and the Amazon rainforest have continued with their traditional practices, being partially or completely nude during everyday activities.


Islam itself Practiced Public NUDITY (and the worst form of it while it was a FORCED Public Nudity)

Islamic Preachers totally forget these realities:

  • It was Islam who made slave women move in public topless. There were thousands of slave women present in front of Muhammad and in public with naked breasts. 
  • Umar Ibn Khattab used to beat them with a stick for taking the Hijab and told them not to resemble free Muslim women by taking the Hijab. 
  • It is the 1300-year-long history of Islam where slave women had to stay topless. 
  • And Islam turned poor slave women into sexual objects too, and Muslim men were given licences to fulfil their sexual lusts by raping them. They were presented in that naked state in the Islamic Bazaars of Slavery, where Muslim customers were also allowed to touch their private parts (just like sheep and cattle are groped before purchase). 
  • And Muslim men were molesting slave women, without any fear of physical punishment, while Allah (i.e. Muhammad) didn't punish or even rebuke them for molesting slave women. Muslim men were raping slave girls in Temporary Sexual Relationships, and selling them, in order to buy new slave girls to rape them too. They were even buying small non-adult girls from slave markets to use them as sexual objects. They were swapping their slave girls and raping them. In short, Islamic Sharia turned Muslim men into serial rapists legally by giving them full control over the poor slave girls. 

Please see all the proofs in these two articles: 

  1. Islam Prohibited Slave Women from Taking Hijab or Even Covering Their Naked Breasts in Public
  2. Crimes of Islamic Slavery Against Humanity


Naturism in Western countries is totally different from the Islamic forced NUDITY of slave women and their rape:

Naturism is not about sex, but it is based upon respect for humans and their choices.

No one can force a woman to become topless or nude. And forget about rape, no one is allowed to even touch a woman with a finger without her consent. 

Naturism is associated with absolutely no evil. 

Islamic preachers who blame Naturism for the rise in divorce rates in Western countries are mistaken. Indigenous tribes have practiced Naturism for centuries and they still maintain strong family systems and marriages.

The actual reasons behind the increasing divorce rates in Western countries are different. Advancements in technology and societal structures have made life more manageable for people, reducing their reliance on family support. This convenience has contributed to the higher divorce rates. If challenging times were to resurface and people once again required family support for survival, the family system would naturally strengthen once more.

This is evident in Gulf Muslim countries where the divorce rate has reached 50%, even surpassing some Western countries. Despite practising no Naturism and adhering to full Hijab, the high divorce rate is attributed to the fact that people in these affluent Gulf countries do not necessarily rely on strong family systems to sustain themselves.

The tribal system, much like the family system, was robust in the past when people depended on their tribes for survival. However, in modern times, especially in cities, the tribal system has diminished as a society no longer requires tribal support to survive.


The case of Hijab in the Islamic countries is totally Opposite

The Naturist Movement in Western countries is not compelling Muslim women to become topless, but it is liberating all humans. It is about human rights and respecting one's choice for his/her dressing. Modesty and decency are not hidden in the Hijab, but modesty and decency are to RESPECT the women and their choices. The Western world is the most decent, as it educates men to RESPECT women and their choices. 

But the issue of the Hijab in Islamic countries is totally opposite.

The Islamic Hijab is plagued by several evils:

The first evil is the blatant discrimination and humiliation it inflicts on millions of slave women. Islamic Sharia historically prohibited slave women from wearing the Hijab, reserving it only for free Muslim women as a symbol of respect and honour. Muslim women today should not view the Hijab as a personal choice but should stand with us in protesting against this extreme injustice faced by millions of slave women.

The second evil of the Islamic Hijab is:

  • The Hijab is practically IMPOSED by force upon the private lives of millions of women.
  • It is a TOOL in the hands of men, in order to take away their liberties and make them dependent upon men so that men can exploit them.
  • The Hijab is used in order to usurp the basic human rights of women. 

Moreover, the Hijab's demands of women extend to limiting their movement within the confines of their homes, forbidding unnecessary interactions with men. This gender segregation breeds further problems, leading men to fetishize even the smallest glimpses of women's bodies due to the lack of normal exposure. The restrictions imposed by the Hijab and Islamic modesty contribute to sexual frustration among Muslim men and hinder natural interactions between men and women, preventing understanding and respectful treatment. Please read: Islamic Hijab & Modesty حياء leads only towards Sexual Frustration.

Love, a natural emotion, is stifled by the Hijab and Islamic decency (حياء). Islam disapproves of love stories like Layla and Majnun (comparable to Romeo and Juliet) and severely punishes individuals involved in love. Islam employs the Hijab and Islamic decency (حياء) to suppress and control this natural emotion, reflecting an approach contrary to embracing nature.

In Islamic practice, girls are practically coerced into marrying men they have never interacted with or know little about their mentality and personality. This not only makes the Hijab and Islamic decency (حياء) oppressive but also qualifies as crimes against humanity. 

The imposition of the Hijab transforms women's lives into a constant struggle, subjecting them to numerous hardships daily. To witness the actual ramifications of these evils, please read our article: Negative role of 'Hijab' and 'Islamic Modesty' in the Incident of Ifk (Highly recommended)


Muslim Youth in Islamic Societies have no chance to get rid of their Sexual Frustration

In earlier centuries, Muslim men had opportunities to interact with the opposite sex, while:

In modern times, the existence of slave women, thanks to the influence of the Western world, is no longer prevalent.

Today, Muslim boys face challenges in getting married until they reach around 30 years of age. They often prioritize obtaining an education, securing a stable job, and saving a significant amount of money for a dowry, also known as Haq Mehr.

These unnatural restrictions imposed by Islam on the interaction between the opposite sexes inevitably result in extreme sexual frustration among Muslim youth.

An incident from the time of Muhammad, the Sahaba (companions), highlights the struggle of controlling their desires. Initially, Muhammad/Allah forbade them from having sexual relations with their wives during the nights of Ramadan. However, unable to cope, the Sahaba secretly visited their wives during Ramadan nights. Eventually, Muhammad/Allah had to revoke this order and permit the Sahaba to engage in sexual activity during Ramadan nights. This incident is documented in the Quran.

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:187)
“It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on the night of As-Siyam (fasting) ... Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves (by going to wives secretly), so He turned to you and forgave you (for this sin). So now you are allowed to have sexual relations with your wives.

Sahih Bukhari, 4508:

Narrated Al-Bara': When the order of compulsory fasting of Ramadan was revealed, the people did not have sexual relations with their wives for the whole month of Ramadan, but some men cheated themselves (by violating that restriction). So Allah revealed: "Allah is aware that you were deceiving yourselves but He accepted your repentance and forgave you..".

The inability of Sahaba to control their sexual desires for 30 nights during Ramadan raises questions about how Muslim youth today can possibly suppress their desires for an extended period of 30 years (till they get married).

Muslim preachers suggest fasting as a means to control sexual desires, but it's evident that even Sahaba, who were also fasting during Ramadan, struggled with their desires for those 30 nights, and they indulged in sin.

Another Muslim argument is to marry boys and girls at the age of 12. However, this is not practical, as even Muhammad himself did not marry until the age of 25. Many fathers do not wish for their daughters to marry someone who is not financially stable. No father wants his daughter to face hunger. No father wants her daughter to become a baby-producing machine at the age of 12. 

These realities lead to extreme sexual frustration in Islamic societies, with no apparent solution to escape this issue. The problem persists and poses significant challenges to Muslim youth.


The culture of Naturism is not harmful. What's harmful is the unnatural system of gender segregation,  being treated like a veiled sex object, forced public nudity, forced rape of slave women and even small slave girls, their forced auction in the Bazaars of Slavery.