Islamic Objection:

But what about the purpose of life as an atheist? What should be one's ultimate goal in life without belief in God or a higher power?


Nature lacks an inherent purpose, and its beginnings can be traced back to the Big Bang. Countless stars have emerged and disappeared over time, without any discernible reason or direction. Our planet Earth remained aimlessly for eons until life finally emerged. The sole driving force behind life's evolution was the instinct to survive.

As life continued to adapt and change, humans eventually came into being. As humans, we have EVOLVED to seek meaning and purpose in life through our natural physiological processes. Our hormones play a significant role in determining what gives us a sense of fulfilment and happiness. When we engage in acts of kindness, and altruism, or accomplish personal goals, our brains release chemicals such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, which create feelings of pleasure and contentment.

Thus, the notion that religion is necessary for a sense of purpose in life is a common misconception. In reality, atheists can find meaning and fulfilment in various natural, scientifically explainable ways.

Firstly, our brain's reward system is designed to reinforce behaviours that promote survival and well-being. Due to evolution, the release of neurotransmitters in humans, such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin creates feelings of pleasure and contentment when we engage in activities that are essential for our survival and flourishing, such as eating, exercising, having sex, helping others, and achieving personal goals. This inherent mechanism provides a sense of purpose and motivation to pursue actions that are beneficial to ourselves and others.

Secondly, our emotional connections with others provide a strong sense of belonging and purpose. Our relationships with friends, family, and community can bring joy and fulfilment to our lives, and the desire for social connection is deeply ingrained in human nature. This desire for social bonding can give us a feeling of direction and meaning, even in the absence of religious beliefs.

Thirdly, personal growth, learning, and self-improvement can also provide a sense of purpose for atheists. Pursuing intellectual interests, developing new skills, and overcoming challenges can create a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. The drive for knowledge and self-betterment can serve as a powerful source of motivation and purpose, as seen in the numerous examples of successful atheist scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to society.

Fourthly, many atheists find meaning in life by contributing to the greater good. They may dedicate themselves to causes that benefit humanity, such as science, art, medicine, or social justice. By working towards the betterment of society, they can create a lasting legacy and leave a positive impact on the world. This sense of purpose can be just as fulfilling and meaningful as any religious belief.

Procreation is one of the characteristics of life. The desire to leave the world to offspring, as good or better than it was on arrival while causing as little harm as possible. The Harm principle is combined with the desire to extend life to offspring.

Finally, it's important to note that the concept of purpose is not unique to religious beliefs. Purpose can be subjective and varied, and can change throughout one's life as individuals grow and develop their values and goals. Atheists can find purpose in life by following their passions, exploring their interests, and creating meaningful experiences for themselves and others.

In conclusion, atheists can find meaning and fulfilment in life through various natural, scientifically explainable means. From hormonal responses to emotional connections, personal growth, and contributions to society, there are numerous ways for atheists to lead fulfilling lives without the need for religious beliefs.

Please also read the following articles:

  1. The origin of Morality lies in our Hormones
  2. Muslim Claim: Atheism lacks morality