Muslims are quick to demand equal human rights, including the right to preach and criticize, and to convert people to Islam in non-Muslim countries. But in their own Muslim countries, they don't allow non-Muslims even to preach to Muslims, criticize Islam as an ideology, or convert Muslims to their religion/ideology.

Every criticism of Islam is accused of blasphemy and people are killed.

There is not even a single book can be published which criticizes Islam.

There exist millions of ex-Muslims in Islamic countries, but OFFICIALLY, there exists not even a Single ex-Muslim in any Muslim country (except for secular Turkey and former Soviet Muslim states). This means, these millions of ex-Muslims are forced to hide their beliefs and they are forced to live a dangerous double life. 

Muslims want to talk about Islamophobia, they are most welcome. But then let us also talk about their diseases of Homophobia, Murtadophobia (i.e. Apostatephobia), Kafirophobia, and their Double Standards. 

Islamweb.Net is the largest Muslim Website. It writes (link):


Freedom of religion is a very important and clear concept in islam. My question is that: how is the concept of "no compulsion in religion" in Islam fit or contradict with two other facts about Islam:

1) No Christian (or other religion) missionaries are allowed to preach their religion in the "Islamic state".

(I know that Islam is the only true religion, but apparently 80% of world's population do not believe so). I understand that Islam asks every country to allow Muslims to deliver the message of Islam to their people, and their people can then accept or refuse the message without compulsion, however, if that country refuses to give Muslims this right to deliver the message, then Muslims can fight them for that. So, how Islam asks from other countries something that Islam don't offer them.

2) The second issue is that any Muslim who converts from Islam to another religion should be subjected to death according to "Islamic law", although that Muslim might have been a Muslim because he was born as such and he didn't have a choice, and when he did his own search he wanted to convert to another religion.



Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

In reality, Islam is the religion of truth that all people are required to accept, and Allah will not accept any others religion on the Day of Judgement. 
Then, Islam does not force people to follow it, but according to its teachings all people are required to obey its authority who live under its rule in the Islamic State. In simple words all non-Muslims (Zimmi or others) are not allowed to invite others to follow disbelief, nor to demonstrate it or spread it, i.e. no Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or any other follower of false religion and ideology can spread his false creed in the Islamic State. ...

This means that a non-Muslim resident in the Islamic State can remain on his religion and Muslims are required to avoid hurting him as long as he is committed to his covenant with Muslims. But, this freedom of creed does not entitle him to invite other to his religion.

Islam is the religion of truth, and only the one whose heart is closed, whose sight and hearing are sealed will refuse to follow Islam. Thus, it becomes a duty for every Muslim to invite others to Islam and to spread its teachings in all places and at all times. Also, all obstacles, which prevent Islam from being propagated are to be destroyed (i.e. Jihad becomes obligatory if non-Muslim state does not allow preaching of Islam or let people convert to Islam) so that every man on earth receives the message of Islam. Then, he/she is free to choose Islam or submit to the Muslim authority by paying the Jizya.

As for the one who embraced Islam and then disbelieved, he has committed by this act a major crime for which he should be killed unless he returns again to Islam after being a believer. Apostasy constitutes a form of frivolous play and immortality. So, an apostate becomes a vicious member in the Muslim society that should be cut off before spreading evil to others.

Here, we state that killing such a wicked member can only be ordered by the Muslim ruler, and should not be done before using all possible means to make him return to Islam, i.e. he must be shown his errors, asked to repent and to re-embrace Islam. If he does not accept, then the ruler or his agent orders that he be killed as a way of establishing the retributive punishments of Shari'ah. This means that he is considered as a killer of himself because of his refusal to return to Islam.

Furthermore, advocates of positive laws that disapprove of this punishment (killing the apostate) consider anyone who commits a breach of the political system or the constitution as a traitor i.e. one who commits treason, and thus deserves capital punishment or life imprisonment. In Islam it is natural to punish the apostate who betrays Allah, His Messenger and his religion in the same way, since no doubt his crime is much greater than just betraying the political system or breaking man-made laws.

Also, look at this Fatwa too.

From which angle does this Islamic logic for killing people make any sense?

Please also remember, according to Islamic Sharia, if a non-Muslim state does not allow Muslims to preach Islam and to convert people to Islam, then it becomes obligatory upon Muslims to wage a Jihad against such a non-Muslim state. 


Dear fellow humans!

We also wanted to bring to your attention the dire situation faced by ex-Muslims, particularly women, in Islamic countries. While Ahmadi Muslims and Muslim women also face oppression, the struggles of ex-Muslims are unparalleled.

Ex-Muslims are forced to live a double life, constantly fearful of being discovered and punished for their disbelief. They cannot confide in anyone, not even their closest friends or family members, as they risk being betrayed and exposed. Yes, this is these are the stories of thousands of ex-Muslims on the ex-Muslim subreddit that they will be surely killed by their families if they know about their apostasy. This perpetual state of secrecy takes a heavy mental toll on individuals, causing anxiety, depression, and isolation.

Furthermore, ex-Muslim women face unique challenges that Muslim women do not experience. They are coerced into wearing the hijab, a symbol of modesty and piety, despite not believing in its significance. They are pressured into marrying Muslim men chosen by their families, leading to loveless and oppressive relationships. Moreover, they are expected to fulfill their husbands' sexual desires for the rest of their lives, regardless of their personal feelings or consent.

The most distressing aspect is that ex-Muslims cannot share their innermost thoughts and beliefs with their children, who are innocent and might reveal their secret. They are compelled to send their offspring to Quran schools and mosques, further reinforcing the religion they reject. This constant pretending and hiding their true selves take a tremendous emotional toll on individuals, leaving them feeling suffocated and trapped.

Despite the numerous ex-Muslims living in Islamic countries, there isn't a single officially recognized ex-Muslim organization. This lack of representation means their struggles remain hidden from the international community, and they cannot advocate for their rights or seek support. The world remains largely oblivious to their existence and the hardships they face.

I urge you to consider the immense challenges confronting ex-Muslims, particularly women, and lend your voice to their cause. Together, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society where individuals can freely choose their beliefs and express themselves without fear of persecution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.