Islamists argue:

Atheists Have No Right to Criticize Islam After Reading Just Four Books

And we reply to Islamists that: 

Firstly: Disputes are not resolved based on the amount of knowledge someone possesses but rather on the ability to understand and evaluate arguments and evidence

In courts, decisions are not made by determining which side has a more knowledgeable lawyer. Instead, justice is achieved when:

The judge can understand and assess the strength of the arguments presented by both sides, even if they were unfamiliar with the case before the hearing.

After weighing these arguments and evidence, the judge decides which side has a stronger case.

Similarly, when people analyse a particular issue, they can evaluate arguments and evidence from both sides without needing to understand every other detail. For example, they don’t need to know 99.99% of Islam to form a judgment on one specific issue.

Secondly: LOGIC and Common Sense are enough to reject Islam entirely

It is not necessary to disprove EVERY aspect of Islam to justify leaving it. If a Single Fundamental claim of Islam is shown to be flawed, logic and common sense alone can lead to rejecting the remaining 99% of Islam without further scrutiny.

For instance, Islam asserts that Allah is absolutely 100% perfect and incapable of making even a single error. However, if it can be demonstrated that the Quran contains even one scientific mistake, this single error is then sufficient to reject the entirety of Islam. Such reasoning is grounded in logic and basic common sense.

The conclusion is straightforward: One does not require a PhD degree to enter Islam or to criticize or to leave it.


We suggest that Islamic preachers first examine Islam thoroughly before raising objections against others. Let's consider whether Muhammad himself ever read even four books. What about his thousands of companions? Did they even read a single book? In fact, the Jews of that time were likely more educated than Muhammad and his illiterate companions. However, Muhammad justified his lower level of knowledge (and of his companions) by calling Jews "donkeys", who are only carrying a load of books (Quran 62:5).

Furthermore, ex-Muslim atheists have often delved into Islam far more extensively than just reading four books. They possess greater knowledge than non-Muslims who convert to Islam. Thus, these are only Double Standards of Islamists, where they are ok if a people convert to Islam without having any knowledge, but put a condition of PhD in order to leave it. 

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