In his youtube video [Feminism Destroys Family dated: 8.04.2023], Daniel claims:
If the woman is outside of the home you have to Outsource things like upbringing of children modern model of life children being shipped off to this institution of schooling in general this fundamentally creates problems for the family structure because people are spending most of their time with strangers and when you do that family bonds weaken people tend to have more of a connection and loyalty and love towards people that they spend more of their time with.
Our Response:
Women should have the freedom to choose what works best for them, whether that means being a stay-at-home mom or pursuing a career. If a woman wants or needs to work, it doesn’t inherently harm the child. In fact, research has highlighted several benefits for children raised by working mothers, including positive role modelling and fostering independence. Please see the following scientific study.
The first few years of a child’s life are critical for emotional, cognitive, and social development. Both parents, especially the mother, should prioritize spending quality time with their baby during this phase. Ideally, workplaces should provide at least 1-2 years of maternity leave, followed by part-time or flexible options for an additional year or two, allowing parents to focus on their child without sacrificing career aspirations.
After the initial years, the focus on parenting can shift to a more scheduled approach, ensuring that the child continues to receive adequate attention. Mothers shouldn’t feel obligated to stay home permanently, as effective parenting isn’t about always being present physically but about being emotionally and mentally available.
Firstly, men also go to work. Does it break the bond between fathers and children?
Secondly, Muslim men had 4 wives and dozens of slave women for sex purposes, and then dozens of children from them. They saw their children after long periods of time. Did that break the bond between them and their children? If not, how the mother/child bond is going to break if the mother goes to work?
Moreover, many Muslim men from poor countries like India, Pakistan etc. go to rich Gulf countries for work, and stay there for years. They hardly see their children once a year. Does it break the bond between them and their children?
Thirdly, 80% of female doctors in Pakistan don't practise it after getting married.
In Pakistan, a significant number of female doctors discontinue practicing medicine after marriage. According to Dr. Khalid Masood Gondal, Vice Chancellor of King Edward Medical University, approximately 80% of medical graduates are women, but only 20% of them continue to serve as doctors after marriage, while the remaining 60% leave the profession.
This trend is attributed to societal expectations and familial responsibilities that prioritize domestic roles for women over professional careers. Many female doctors face pressure from family members or in-laws to focus on household duties, leading them to abandon their medical practice.
Fourthly, Islam broke the families of male and female slaves. Islam has the evil of “Slavery by Birth”. And when a baby has 2 teeth (6 to 8 months), then the owner can separate the baby and sell the child or slave mother, or both in the Islam Bazaars of slavery.
Imam Abdullah Ibn Abi Zayd wrote in his Maliki Fiqh Book Risala:
ولا يفرق بين الام وولدها في البيع حتى يثغر
A slave-mother and her baby could not be separated from each other and sold (in the Bazars of slavery) till the baby has his second tooth.
As far as the father (i.e. male slave) is concerned, then he can be sold by the owner whenever he wishes, even before the birth of his baby (i.e. the poor slave father didn't even get the chance to see his baby and vice versa).
Allah/Muhammad also allowed the master to snatch away the wife of his slave, and to start raping her, thus, destroying the whole slave family.
[ (25) Chapter: "Forbidden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters..."]:
وَقَالَ أَنَسٌ: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} ذَوَاتُ الأَزْوَاجِ الْحَرَائِرُ حَرَامٌ إِلاَّ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ لاَ يَرَى بَأْسًا أَنْ يَنْزِعَ الرَّجُلُ جَارِيَتَهُ مِنْ عَبْدِهِ.
Anas said: The meaning of the Quranic verse: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} Married free women are forbidden to you except your married slave women that your right hands possess. But there is no problem if a man (i.e. the owner) takes his (married) female slave (for himself) from his male slave.
Grade: Shuaib al'Arnauut classed it sahih and Ibn Hajr as well in his commentary on bukhari.
[Note: This is our own translation, as Sunnah.Com provides only the Arabic text, but didn't translate it into English]
PS: slave women in Islam are always working for their masters and cannot stay with their children at home. But it seems Islam don't consider slaves to be human beings.