A question often posed by many religious individuals to atheists is: If you don't believe in religion, why don't you engage in illicit relations with your mothers and sisters? Do Muslims truly believe that they refrain from such actions due to the fear of religion? Today, these actions are condemned not because of religious teachings or moral principles, but because you fear the consequences of such actions in society. If Muslims indeed possess such a strong fear of God and are bound by religious obligations, then why do they indulge in bribery, corruption, hoarding, and illegal profiteering? Why do they engage in usury, which is warned against even more severely than the act of committing adultery with one's mother seventy times? Have you ever pondered upon this?
الربا ثلاثةٌ وسبعونَ بابًا ، وأيسرُها مثلُ أنْ ينكِحَ الرجلُ أمَّهُ
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Usury has seventy-three categories, the least one in sin is as that of a man who marries (has sexual relations with) his mother
Grade: Sahih ( Albani)
Does religion and the fear of God not prevent you from these sins? Or can it not prevent you, for the simple reason that there hardly exist such thing as the fear of God? If you abstain from engaging in sexual relations with your mothers and sisters, it is not entirely due to the fear of God or religious prohibitions, but rather mainly because you are afraid of societal consequences and disgrace. It is not that you are forbidden by religion or societal norms to do so, but rather you refrain out of the fear that society will ostracize you, and even your parents will not accept you. In essence, it is not the fear of God that prevents you, but the fear of societal backlash and shame.
This is why individuals, regardless of their religious or atheistic beliefs, are deeply afraid of engaging in sexual activities with their mothers and sisters. This fear mainly stems from society's strong condemnation and potential infamy, not from the teachings of religion. However, religious individuals attempt to take credit even in this aspect, attributing their restraint to the fear of God, as though they would refrain from such actions even if they were alone at night with their young mothers or sisters. Compare this with the scenario of young women willing to lie down on a bed next to their young brothers in the privacy of their homes. Most likely, men would hesitate for even a minute, and then dismiss the fear of God.
Even 'Google Trends' is also a witness to this sexual frustration
Pakistanis are at the top for the last 2 decades in search of incest terms like:
- Sister Rape: From 2006 to 2019, Pakistan consistently held the top position each year. (Note: Pakistani Government banned Pornographic Websites in 2011, But still this trend didn't end immediately. And still 'sister porn' was the most searched term on Google search from Pakistan till 2019. Please adjust the settings on "Google Trends" to see the report for each year from 2006 to 2019).
- Mother Rape: Pakistan was at the top every year from 2006 to 2012 (till a ban on pornographic websites by the Pakistani government).
- Child Sex: Pakistan is at the top from 2006 till 2023 (and even the ban on the pornographic website didn't dethrone Pakistanis from searching for it).
- Donkey Rape: Pakistan is at the top from 2006 till 2023 (and even the ban didn't stop them from searching for it).
(Note: Pornographic website Pornhub also publish its list of visitors from every country. But you will not see Pakistan on the list there, while the Pakistani Government has banned this website. And Pakistanis visit this website only through VPN)
This happens while Islamic society does not put you in prison or lash you for watching a porn film. Thus, fear of Allah alone is no hindrance for Muslim men for watching porn movies.