If a woman is a widow or divorced, then Islam makes her life a hell, while:
- Within Islamic societies, parental reluctance often restricts daughters from pursuing higher education.
- Even if a woman manages to complete her education, societal norms frequently curtail her ability to practice her chosen profession, purportedly in the name of "modesty." This creates a paradox where she is expected to remain within the confines of her home, yet is simultaneously exposed to interactions with unrelated men if she ventures outside.
- The prevailing sentiment emphasizes that her primary responsibility lies in caring for her children, often at the expense of her own professional aspirations.
- The socio-cultural landscape in Islamic societies poses further obstacles for women seeking employment outside the home, as these environments are frequently dominated by men.
Consequently, when a woman becomes a widow or undergoes a divorce, she often finds herself in dire financial straits. In such cases, Islamic societies tend to view a divorced woman living independently with her children in a less favorable light, raising unjust doubts about her character.
Given these circumstances, the most viable solution for a widowed or divorced woman appears to be remarriage at the earliest opportunity. This choice offers financial support and serves as a defense against unwarranted gossip concerning her character.
But sadly, Islam is such a worse religion for women, that it has also practically closed the door of remarriage for women, and it punishes her for this too. Islam compels the woman not to even think about remarriage, otherwise, her small children will be snatched away from her.
Please see the following two Fatwas (Fatwa 1 and Fatwa 2):
It is true that if the mother remarries, she loses the right of the custody of her children, and some scholars reported a consensus among the scholars on this issue ...
“This is because the child is harmed by the hatred of the 2nd husband who may get fed up with him and because the mother, by necessity, may neglect her child out of her desire to please her husband and her being preoccupied by him, and all this harms the child. This is why she loses the right of fostering.”
Moreover, An-Nawawi from the Shaafi’e School of jurisprudence, said in “Al-Majmoo’”: “Because if she remarries, her (new) husband has the right to enjoy her (at all times) except at the time of worship (i.e. when she is performing an act of worship), so she cannot foster her children (form a previous marriage).”
These arguments, however, present significant shortcomings. They seem to perpetuate an assumption within Islam that stepfathers would invariably develop aversion towards their stepchildren, an assertion that was introduced when Muhammad excluded adopted children from familial bonds, subsequently extending this restriction to stepchildren as well. This perspective contradicts the essence of natural relationships and dismisses the potential for genuine emotional connections between parents and their adopted or stepchildren.
Similarly, the contention that a mother should be separated from her children due to concerns that she might neglect them in her pursuit of pleasing a new husband is deeply flawed. This viewpoint underestimates the innate nurturing instincts of mothers and the capacity of stepfathers to understand and support such relationships. Islam's stance on this matter contradicts the fundamental principles of natural relationships.
Moreover, Islam's assertion that a woman must be detached from her children in order to wholeheartedly fulfill the sexual demands of her new husband is particularly distressing. This notion portrays Islam as a religion that places the interests of men above the well-being of women and children, undermining the very essence of compassion and empathy that should underscore any spiritual belief.
In evaluating these perspectives, it becomes evident that Islam's teachings on these matters are incongruent with the natural order of human relationships. This misalignment underscores a troubling aspect of the religion's treatment of women and children, presenting a stark contradiction to the principles of compassion and equality that one would expect from a spiritual belief system.
Muslims Challenge and Revise Islamic Sharia
This particular tenet of Islamic Sharia, which mandates the separation of a mother from her children upon remarriage, while Allah (i.e. Muhammad) thinks that children from her first husband are a hindrance for a mother to provide her new husband with sex services, has been met with widespread criticism due to its inherent illogicality, cruelty, and injustice. In various Muslim nations today, Muslims themselves have taken a stand against this Sharia ruling. Utilizing their inherent rationality and common sense, they have chosen to discard this rule, opting instead to enact new laws within their Islamic societies. These revised laws reflect a more compassionate and reasonable approach, ensuring that mothers are not forcibly separated from their children if they choose to remarry. This progression exemplifies a conscious effort by Muslims to reevaluate and adapt certain aspects of their religious practices in pursuit of a more humane and equitable system.
Double Standards of Islam: A non-Mahram guardian has more rights than the real mother + stepfather
Islamic laws are against logic, and against nature, where it is ready to give a child in the guardianship of any non-Mahram man, but does not allow the real mother + stepfather to take care of the child.
Even worse, Islam also allowed that guardian, if he likes the beauty of his adoptive daughter, then he can take that small minor orphan girl in his Nikah (marriage) too.
Quran 4:3:
And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four ...
Why Muhammad was forced to claim the revelation of this verse? The following tradition of ‘Aisha makes it clear:
Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 5064:
('Urwa narrated from ‘Aisha that she said about this verse 4:3) "O my nephew! (This Verse has been revealed in connection with) an orphan girl under the guardianship of her guardian who is attracted by her wealth and beauty and intends to marry her with a Mahr (i.e. money for dowry) less than what other women of her standard deserve. So they (such guardians) have been forbidden to marry them unless they do justice to them and give them their full Mahr..
In Islam, a father (or guardian) is not needed to ask for consent from the minor girl child before giving her into Nikah of any man. Please read our detailed articles:
- Islam: Even a breastfed baby Girl can be married and used for sexual pleasure.
- If got lust for the “minor adopted daughter” due to her beauty, then taking her into Nikah is “Halal Allah” and raping her is also “Halal Allah” for a Muslim Father
Due to these non-logical rulings of Islam against women, they are being blackmailed by their husbands. And women had to avoid divorce, despite their husbands being abusive, while in case of remarriage, their children are snatched away from them by Islam.