Unfortunately, due to respect for religion, the harms of the Hijab have not been discussed for the last 1400 years.

Thanks to modern information technology, Hijabi women have been able to discuss their experiences on the internet and discover the potential negative consequences of wearing a Hijab.

The Hijab is UNNATURAL, and indeed Islam is absolutely not a religion of nature. 

 Table of Contents:

(1) Sweating, Fungi, Bacteria, Sticky hair, Bad Odour, Scratching, Dandruff, Candida:

  • The tight under-cap creates a hot, humid (sweat!) atmosphere which is a paradise for fungi and bacteria which is the death of hair follicles. Tons of hijabis suffer from seborrheic dermatitis or folliculitis and you can treat it as much as you want, when you give the culprits the perfect biotope to spread and multiply you will not get rid of it! (link).

  • On hot summer days, women who wear hijabs often experience a sticky feeling, followed by a bad odour. And this ordeal becomes exponentially high the longer one stays out of the home (link).

  • Whether you realise it or not, your head constantly sweats under your hijab. It leads to becoming warmer and warmer which is the perfect environment for germs and bacteria. Consequently, you keep scratching your head every now and then (link).

  • Human hair is also known as a storehouse for Staphylococcus aureus. From WHO data, this problem is one of the serious problems of concern. From several facts, it was found that they are seriously harmful to human health. Besides that, one other type of fungus that is often in the hair is Candida. The repetitive use of the Hijab can leave microorganisms and bacteria so that it can cause unwanted things and problems with hair, face, dandruff and other serious problems (link). 

  • A study in Indonesia showed that a very high number of women (i.e. 59.4%), who were wearing hijab, complained of hair problems, scalp, itching and allergies on the scalp and areas around the face (link).

(2)  Hair loss, Baldness, Receding Hairline, Thinning of Hairs due to Hijab alopecia

  •  Do you know what hijab alopecia is? Also known by the scientific term, traction alopecia, it’s caused by the intense friction from the hijab. The hairstyle underneath, combined with how the fabric is placed and rubs against your scalp every day over very prolonged periods, can traumatise your hair and damage the follicle, resulting in hair loss! (link).

  • Out of the 67% of respondents who wear hijabs, a whopping 79% said they faced hair loss! (link).

  •  Many Hijabi women report having issues like forehead acne and thinning hair (link).

  • Receding Hairline: There are many reasons for a receding hairline. “One is traction alopecia which is what occurs when there is chronic friction or tension placed on hair roots for an extended period of time. If the hijab is pulling at the hair roots for years, this can result in the hair roots experiencing too much tension and dying,” (link)

There are so many girls and young women who, combined with hormonal issues, ended up with such horrible hairlines (even actual baldness) that they decided to wear hijab for aesthetic (not religious) purposes (i.e. they want to hide their forehead acne, thinning of hair, sticky hair etc. even from other women). 

Black women and women with curly hair face the most difficult situation. A  Hijabi girl wrote:

I hated wearing hijab, I have naturallly curly dry hair so wearing the hijab always made my scalp so itchy and I got scalp fungal infections, dandruff and flakes. Even with treatments it'd improve a little then become worse again because I was always wearing the hijab, it was obviously much worse in the summer. My parents forced me to wear it from the age of 7 years old and was never allowed to take it off unless I was just with my family. I hated doing sports whilst wearing it. 

A Black woman was interviewed to inform the audience about the life of wearing hijab, and she was asked this: 

“ What do you wish more people knew about being a hijabi?”

She responded:

"That we are balding for the sake of Allah. Imma need my edges back in [heaven] for real, for real.” (https://www.buzzfeed.com/amatullahshaw/black-hijabi-haircare# ).

The fact that this poor girl, who suffered from these ailments as a result of the hijab, wished for Allah to give her hair back in heaven is so sad. It is so sad that they actually think such an entity, if it really exists, would actually do such a thing and not just burn them alive in hell for it.

(3) Stiffness and Pain in Neck and Head  Caused by Hijab, and relief from it after removing it

This study was done in Islamic Pakistan (link):

Objectives: To identify the frequency of neck pain associated with modern hijab in females of twin cities of Pakistan along with identification of risk factors.

Methodology: A total of 747 females participated from 4 different Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad (Pakistan) were included in the study. The study duration was 6 months from January to June 2017. Northwick questionnaire for neck pain was used to assess the neck pain intensity, symptoms, numbness, impact on daily activities and social life. 

Results: Out of 747 participants, 393(50.2%) females were covering their head with modern hijab. Type of head cover daily duration of hijab were significantly associated with stiffness or discomfort in neck, restriction with movement, pain and stiffness in head and neck region and relief from pain after removal of hijab (p<0.05). Intensity of pain, sleeping and pain, symptoms duration, carrying and reading or watching TV did not show any significant relationship with the type of head cover (p<0.05).

Another ex-Hijabi wrote about migraine:

 I would also like to add, as someone who wore Hijab from age 6 to 19, the tight undercap was a definitive trigger for migraines. Me and my mom are prone to migraines, and Hijab always makes it really bad, especially if I'm outside for hours, having to move around a lot. The pressure squeezing my head constantly is a recipe for a migraine that lasts for hours. I had frequent migraines in college when I was in college. My migraines decreased significantly in frequency and intensity when I took off Hijab, esp that feeling of suffocation and the psychological effect of feeling like u have to be meek, timid, and submissive.

(4) Vitamin D deficiency:

Vitamin D has a major impact on overall health, including the health of hair and hair follicles. 

Vitamin D production is hindered when the skin is covered, such as with a Hijab

To generate vitamin D, direct sun rays on bare skin are necessary. Consequently, wearing any cloth, like a Hijab, or being behind a glass window prevents the body from producing vitamin D. This leads to a significant deficiency in Arab women, with scientific studies indicating they suffer from the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency globally.

Despite evidence supporting the connection between the Hijab and vitamin D deficiency, some Muslim individuals deny its role and offer alternative explanations like obesity, race, or specific health conditions as potential causes. However, a conclusive scientific study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, addressed these concerns. The study examined women of the same race and region, half of whom wore the Hijab and half who did not. The results unequivocally revealed that women with Hijab exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (55.0%) compared to those without Hijab (20.0%), effectively dispelling any misinformation surrounding the issue.

Link to Istanbul Study.

By forcing baby girls into Hijab, you are causing them harm

The Istanbul study (link) revealed that vitamin D deficiency is not solely related to clothing styles like Hijab but is also influenced by the age at which a female starts wearing Muslim-style clothing.

If you dress your baby girl in Hijab at an early age, she becomes particularly vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency. As a Muslim mother (or father) of a baby girl, it is essential to stand up against pressure from your family and Islamic society. Don't allow them to push you into confining your baby girl into Hijab. Instead, let her play freely, promoting her health and happiness.

Vitamin D supplements are not as effective as natural sun-rays

 Muslims come up with their next lame excuse, i.e. no problem with the Hijab as women/girls can take vitamin D supplements. 

However, scientific studies (link) demonstrate that sunlight exposure has a more positive impact on bone structure and homeostasis compared to vitamin D supplementation and control. The group with vitamin D deficiency that was exposed to sunlight exhibited a significant reduction in parathyroid hormone levels compared to the group that took vitamin D supplements versus VDD controls (67.69 ± 13.18 and 78.93 ± 8.31 vs. 86.05 ± 9.67 pg/ml, respectively).

Allah is still guilty of vitamin D deficiency in the women of the last 1400 years and those poor women who cannot afford to buy supplements

The Muslim argument of "Vitamin D supplements" does not absolve Allah of potential guilt. While supplements have become available only recently due to Western inventions, what about the millions of Muslim women throughout history who suffered from vitamin D deficiency and its associated diseases due to the Hijab? They were confined to both the Hijab and the confines of their homes by Allah's decree.

Furthermore, many Muslim women today still cannot afford vitamin D supplements, which highlights the ongoing issue.

In essence, the vitamin D deficiency issue challenges the concept of an all-knowing and all-wise Allah reigning in the heavens. Given that Muhammad was neither all-knowing nor all-wise, his ignorance might have led to the widespread vitamin D deficiency among billions of Muslim women over the past 14 centuries.

It really breaks my heart that a lot of Muslim women tend to have weaker bones, dental issues and depression thanks to staying indoors a lot. Even if they went outside, the sun doesn't kiss their skin. Even plants and animals can sunbathe, but like vampires, Muslim women are the only creatures on the planet that don't have a right to the sunlight.

Amount of Islamic Indoctrination

Religion makes people blind. And you cannot show the right path to blind people. 

Sweating due to the Hijab


Some Suggestions for Girls suffering from problems due to the Hijab:

(1) 100% Naural Silk Cap: Try looking for some 100% silk-lined undercaps, which are silk on the inside and cotton on the outside so the hijab doesn't slip (like this one). There are cheaper satin ones, but if you can afford it, then go for 100% natural silk. 

(2) Try using Aleppo soap bars (80% Olive oil, 20% Laurel oil). There is nothing in the market which can be more natural than this. It helps a lot.

(3) This may seem obvious but always make sure your hair’s totally dry before you put on a hijab (leaving damp hair covered for long periods could lead to a fungal infection).