Islamic preachers blame the non-religious Western society and claim: 

Sexual intercourse is something that should be kept treasured and specific to a loved one. But West glorifies sexual intercourse before marriage in the name of finding 'suitable partner', and it makes sex easier and without any punishment, which is a reason why cheating and divorces are so common in today's western society. Sex is not something to be dished out so both parties feel a hit of dopamine and leave each other. It demoralises the whole act making it more meaningless the more you enact with different partners. While Islam gives a value to sex, and makes it a mean of love between two parties i.e. husband and wife.


Unfortunately, Islam does not give value to sex, but the correct statement is:  Islam gives value to MEN only.

Islam allowed only men to marry 4 women and have sex with all of them.

Thus, according to the standards of Islamic preachers, dishing out sex with 4 women does not fit in the definition of LOVE between Two Parties.


This issue with Islam goes even further.

A Muslim man is not only allowed to have 4 wives but he is also allowed to have sex with dozens of slave women.

So, how does sex with 4 different wives and dozens of slave women not constitute dishing out the sex? And how does it fit in the definition of love between Two Parties?


This issue with Islam goes even further.

Muslim men are practically RAPING the slave/prisoner women against their consent/will.

There is a huge difference between sex and rape. 

Does raping the slave/prisoner women ever make a Muslim man a better person, who is then still capable of loving and taking care of any other woman?


This issue with Islam goes even further.

Islam not only allowed men to have sex with slave women, but it also allowed them to have "Temporary sexual Relationships" with the slave women.

What does this "Temporary sexual Relationship" mean?

Have you heard of Shia Muta and Temporary sexual relationships?

It is the same in Sunni Islam where an owner can rape a slave woman in a Temporary sexual relationship.

Allah made it permissible for the Muslim owner after fulfilling his Lust in a Shia Mut'a type "Temporary Sexual Relationship), if he got bored, then he could hand her over to one of his brothers (or even to any of his slaves). And after all of his brothers (/or slaves) had raped her one by one and fulfilled their lust and got bored, then she could be sold to the 2nd master, who again raped her, and then sold her to the 3rd master .... and thus, this cycle of rape continued for the poor slave-girl.

Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Nikah:

0 Abu Sa'id al-Khadri said: We went out with Allah's Messenger on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired (to have sex with) them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired good ransom money for them by selling them)So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (i.e. withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception so that they don’t become pregnant). But then we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Messenger, and he said: (Yes, it is allowed, but) it does not matter if you do it or not, while if any soul has to be born up to the Day of Resurrection, then it will be born.

The slave trade was made permissible by Allah, where all such captive women were sold after they had already been raped in temporary sexual relationships by their former Muslim owners.

But Islam claims such owners (men) are still able to love their wife/wives despite raping dozens of slave women in a temporary sexual relationship.


This issue with Islam goes even further.

The evil of 'Temporary Sexual Relationship' led to another evil, where the swapping of slave girls also became Halal (i.e. permissible). If a Muslim man got a lust for a slave girl of another person, he can simply offer that other man to swap their slave girls and rape them. 

Tafsir-e-Mazhari is a commentary of the Quran, which is taught in every Hanafi school. It is written under the commentary of verse 33:52 (Link):

Ibn Zayd said about this verse {وَلَآ أَن تَبَدَّلَ بِهِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَٰجٍ nor to exchange your present wives for other women (Verse 33:52)} that people used to swap their wives during the era of ignorance ... upon that Allah revealed this verse and the swapping of wives is thus not allowed. But the slave women are not included in it, and you can swapp them and there is no issue in it. 


This issue with Islam goes even further.

Allah/Muhammad allowed the master to snatch away the slave wife of his slave man, and to start raping her. And after he has fulfilled his lust and has gotten bored, then he can return that slave wife back to his slave man.

Sahih Bukhari, 5105:
وَقَالَ أَنَسٌ: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} ذَوَاتُ الأَزْوَاجِ الْحَرَائِرُ حَرَامٌ إِلاَّ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ لاَ يَرَى بَأْسًا أَنْ يَنْزِعَ الرَّجُلُ جَارِيَتَهُ مِنْ عَبْدِهِ.
Anas said: The meaning of the Quranic verse: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} Married free women are forbidden to you except your married slave women that your right hands possess. There is no harm in a man (i.e the owner) taking his female slave (for himself) from his male slave.

Does raping the slave wife of his male slave make that Muslim Master a better person, who is then still capable of loving and taking care of all of his wives?

Suitable partner vs GAMBLE:

If a Muslim woman is married to a Muslim man who is not compatible with her, then her whole life is ruined. Every Muslim girl is compelled to play this GAMBLE, while Islam snatches away this right from her to meet with different men, test them thoroughly, and then choose a suitable partner for her. 

According to the Ahadith of the Prophet, a male companion married after looking at the woman once (and not even talking to her once). This means, the female companion never talked to him and perhaps never saw him once. 

This leaves the woman with little chance of determining whether her potential husband is suitable or mentally compatible with her. Even if she does have a brief interaction with him before the wedding, it is often insufficient to uncover his true nature. Evil individuals can easily conceal their malevolent traits during these initial encounters.

Furthermore, the arrangement of marriages by family members or guardians can lead to a lack of emotional connection and understanding between the couple. The focus is often on material possessions, social status, and family background, rather than on the compatibility of the couple. This can result in a loveless marriage, where the partners feel like strangers to each other.

Moreover, the cultural pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations can make it difficult for young Muslim women to express their own preferences and desires. They may be forced into a marriage that they do not want, leading to a lifetime of unhappiness and regret.

As a result, the practice of arranged marriages in Islam is fundamentally flawed and poses a significant risk for every Muslim girl who enters into it and is always a gamble for every single Muslim girl.

The so-called STABILITY of the family system in Islamic society is based only upon the EXPLOITATION of women:

If you are a man, Islam grants you the right to divorce your wife who causes trouble for you.

However, as a woman (wife), your life can be miserable since you have little chance of escaping an incompatible husband, even if he becomes abusive and beats you mercilessly, leaving bruises (link).

Islamic preachers might argue that a woman has the right to seek Khul' خلع (separation) to free herself from such a marriage.

But that's a common misconception. Under authentic Islamic law, Khul' is not a woman's prerogative; it's the husband's privilege. In an Islamic Khul', the wife must offer her husband ransom money, in exchange for her freedom. If the husband agrees to accept the offer and divorces her, she gains her liberty. However, if the husband refuses the offer, no Islamic court can force him to divorce her, obligating her to remain in such an abusive union for the rest of her life.

Please read this article in order to understand the real Khu'l ruling in Islamic Sharia:

Khul’ خلع (i.e. getting freedom from a husband) is not the “right” of a woman, but it is still the “right” of a husband to either grant it or deny it

Are you able to see the RISK/Gamble of the whole life of a Muslim girl in an Islamic system?

Are you able to see how a woman is EXPLOITED to stay with her husband despite non-compatibility, despite NO LOVE, despite him being abusive? The whole Islamic society pressurizes her not to get a divorce. In most cases, she is unable to support herself alone. It is difficult for her to go out in men's society and do any job. And the worst, in case if she remarries, then Islamic Sharia rules that she will lose the custody of all her children.

You have read it correctly, if she remarries, then Islamic Sharia snatches away all the children from her, while her duty is to please her 2nd husband sexually whenever he wishes, and Islamic Sharia considers that her children from her earlier husband are a hindrance in providing sexual services to her 2nd husband. Please read this article: Strange Islam: If a Divorced Woman Remarries, then she will lose the Custody of her Children

Please don't get confused by the present-day laws of Islamic countries, where they went against the original Islamic Sharia and where they allowed women to keep their children even if they remarry.