In the 6th year of Hijri, Muhammad and the Muslim community embarked on a journey to Mecca with the intention of performing the 'Umra (lesser pilgrimage) of the Kaaba. As they approached Mecca, Muhammad sent 'Uthman as a messenger to convey their peaceful intentions to the Meccans, emphasizing that their visit was not for the purpose of warfare but solely for the 'Umra.

However, rumors spread that 'Uthman had been killed by the Meccans, though in reality, he was unharmed.

Upon hearing this news, Muhammad gathered the Muslims and called for a pledge of allegiance to fight against the Meccans and seek revenge for 'Uthman's alleged death. In that moment, Muhammad claimed that Jibril (Gabriel) had appeared to him, and Allah revealed a verse:

(Quran 48:10
Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands. So he who breaks his word only breaks it to the detriment of himself. And he who fulfills that which he has promised Allah - He will give him a great reward.

However, to everyone's surprise, 'Uthman himself appeared alive in the Muslim camp later, refuting the earlier belief of his demise.

Why even send down Gabriel and revelation at this point to back up the wrong assumption? This "Full Participation" of Allah in this allegiance raises questions about Allah's knowledge of the "unseen". Despite the participation of Allah in the process of allegiance and the promised rewards for avenging 'Uthman's blood, Allah seemingly did not know that 'Uthman was still alive.

The simple answer to this conundrum is that there is no Allah in the heavens, but rather Muhammad himself was responsible for the revelations. Since Muhammad was a human and did not possess knowledge of the "unseen", he mistakenly believed that 'Uthman had been killed, leading Allah to share the same belief.

This incident serves as significant evidence that Allah does not exist as a separate entity but that Muhammad himself was the source of the revelations, i.e.:

Muhammad = Allah

Please deeply contemplate on this incident, as it alone provides sufficient evidence to see the reality of the religion and to make yourself free of it.


Muslim Apologist: It was a TEST from Allah

Our Response:

The question arises that if it was indeed a test, then as soon as the test ended (i.e., as soon as the Companions finished taking the pledge), a divine revelation would have informed them that it was a test, and they have succeeded and Allah is pleased with them, and the good news was that Uthman was not killed but was alive."

But the issue is that even after the test and the pledge, divine revelation remains silent about Uthman being alive. 

Just think about it; thinking is not a crime.


Some examples, where this so-callled "Test" was used as an EXCUSE to hide the FAILURES of Allah/Muhammad:

It became impossible for modern Islamic apologists to deny millions of testimonies of these millions of Muslim gay people. This ultimately compelled modern Islamic apologists to come up with a new narrative i.e.:

"Although one may feel helpless when they fall in love with someone of the same sex, nevertheless, Allah prohibited it, considering it a "Test or Trial". You are not committing a sin simply because you are gay and feel attracted to someone of your own sex and fall in love with them, but engaging in sexual acts with them would be considered a sin and you must be killed in most horrible ways.. "

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