Humans have long acknowledged the benefits of practices like yoga and fasting. However, attributing these practices to specific religions, such as yoga in Hinduism or fasting in Islam, does not validate the truth of those religions. Even though fasting may have positive effects, its existence predates Islam and likely predates many other religions as well.

It is important to acknowledge the benefits of fasting, but the problematic issue lies in the "out of balance" approach that Islam takes, turning a potentially beneficial practice into a harmful one. These imbalances in Ramadan fasting highlight the absence of a divine Allah in the heavens, suggesting that Muhammad was crafting revelations independently. As a human being, he was not all-knowing, and his human errors in the rulings of Ramadan further emphasize this point.

Table of Contents:


Jewish HOSTILITY: The ONLY Reason behind the BEGINNING of Ramadan Fasting

After migrating to Medina, Muhammad spent the first one and a half years attempting to gain the support of the Jewish community, hoping they would accept him as a prophet of God.

However, according to Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 3941, not even 10 Jews accepted his prophethood. This rejection deeply angered Muhammad and marked the beginning of his hostility toward the Jewish people.

As a result, Muhammad changed the Qibla (prayer direction) from Jerusalem back to Mecca. But he didn’t stop there—he also sought to alter those other religious practices too, which he had initially borrowed from the Jews.

For instance, in the first year after migration, Muhammad instructed Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram, mirroring the Jewish observance of Yom Kippur.

However, after the start of Jewish enmity in the 2nd year, he initially instructed Muslims to fast on both the 9th and 10th of Muharram to distinguish themselves from Jewish tradition. Howerver, it was not enough. Thus, later in that year, after the Battle of Badr in 2nd Hijir, he introduced an entirely new month-long fast during Ramadan—primarily to further differentiate Islam from Jewish practices like Yom Kippur.

Muhammad copied this new set of laws about fasting from Harranian people, so that he can completely differentiate Muslim fasting from the Jewish fasting. 

The Origin of 30 days long Ramadan, and fasting from Dawn to Sunset, and Eid al-Fitr: The Harranians were a people from the ancient city of Harran (in modern-day Turkey near the Syria border), known for their pagan practices well into the early Islamic period. They are often identified with the "Sabians" mentioned in the Qur’an (e.g., Surah 2:62). Harranians observed a 30-day fast culminating in a festival (like Eid al-Fitr). 

  • According to the historian al-Nadim, the Harranians honored the moon god Sin by fasting for thirty days during a specific month (Reference:

  • Wahb ibn Ibrahim noted a 30-day fast beginning on the 8th of Adhar (a month in the Harranian calendar), concluding with a festival. (Reference:

Dr. Rafat Amari wrote (Source):

Ramadan was a pagan ceremony practiced by the Sabians, whether they were Harranians or Sabians. From the writings of Abu Zanad, an Arabic writer from Iraq who lived around 747 A.D., we conclude that at least one Mandaean community located in northern Iraq observed Ramadan[ii].

Ramadan was Originally an Annual Ritual Performed at the City of Harran. Similarities Between the Ramadan of Harran and the Islamic Ramadan.

Although the fasting of Ramadan was practiced in pre-Islamic times by the pagans of Jahiliyah, it was introduced to Arabia by the Harranians. Harran was a city on the border between Syria and Iraq, very close to Asia Minor which, today, is Turkey. Their main deity was the moon, and in the worship of the moon, they conducted a major fast which lasted thirty days. It began the eighth of March and usually finished the eighth of April. Arabic historians, such as Ibn Hazm, identify this fast with Ramadan.[iii]

 Ibn al-Nadim wrote in his book, al-Fahrisit, about various religious sects in the Middle East. He says in the month in which the Harranians fasted for thirty days, they honored the god Sin, which is the moon. Al-Nadim described the feasts they celebrated and the sacrifices they presented to the moon.[iv] Another historian, Ibn Abi Zinad also speaks about the Harranians, saying that they fast for thirty days, they look toward Yemen when they fast, and they pray five times a day.[v] We know that Muslims also pray five times a day. Harranian fasting is also similar to that of Ramadan in Islam in the fact that they fast from before the sun rises until the sunset, just as the Muslims do during the days of Ramadan.[vi] Still another historian, Ibn al-Juzi,  described the Harranian fasting during this month. He said they concluded their fasting by sacrificing animals and presenting alms to the poor.[vii]  We also find these things in Islamic fasting today.

Mythological roots concerning Harrans celebration of the moon explained the disappearance of the moon after it joined with the star cluster, Pleiades, in the constellation of Taurus. It occurred during the third week of March. The people prayed to the moon, pleading for its return to the city of Harran, but the moon refused to return. This is thought to be the explanation for why they fasted during this month. The moon did not promise to return to Harran, but it did promise to return to Deyr Kadi, a sanctuary near one of the gates of Harran. So after this month, the worshippers of Sin, the moon, went to Deyr Kadi to celebrate and to welcome the return of the moon.[viii]  According to Ibn al-Nadim, the historian mentioned earlier, the Harranians called the feast al-Feter عيد الفطر  , the same name by which the feast of Ramadan is named[ix].

Ramadan: The "out of balance" Islamic approach

Basically, Islamic Fasting is nothing else than:

  1. Disturb your sleep and wake up in the middle of the night which opposes the health principles. It is known as Suhur (سحر) i.e. 'pre-dawn meal' before the start of the fast. 

  2. The duration between night dinner (a heavy meal) and Suhur (again a heavy meal at the last part of the night) is not long enough for the stomach to digest the previous food that was eaten at dinner. Therefore, eating once again at Suhur in the state of an already full stomach is against wisdom (it again opposes the health principles). Even animals are wise enough and if cattle and horses are fed in the middle of the night or even before dawn, then they don’t touch food. They start eating only after dawn. 

  3. And after eating a meal at Suhur, immediately running towards the mosque and doing sit-ups and prostration during prayer with a full stomach. It is a recipe for stomach upset and again opposes the health principles. 

  4. Normally, many people go for a long morning walk and morning exercise and to the gym (especially in countries with a warm climates). But in Ramadan, they cannot go for long healthy morning walks or gym, while their stomachs are full of food. Moreover, they also avoid healthy activity in the morning due to the fear of becoming thirsty. Thus, gyms become empty in the morning, and there are hardly any people who go out for long morning walks.

  5. And then spend the next 14 to 18 hours in a state of thirst and laziness and weakness and dreaming about food. The output during this whole period is minimal. 

  6. And in the evening, break the fast (known as Iftar) by attacking the food and eating all types of unhealthy foods. There are two factors involved. One is hunger and thirst, while the other is Muslims cooking their most delicious and their most expensive food during the month of Ramadan, which makes it difficult for people not to over-eat. 

  7. And after some time again start eating the night dinner (although the stomach is still full of the evening Iftar eating). It again opposes the health principles.

  8. After taking dinner, immediately run towards the mosque for the 'Isha and Tarawih Prayer and spend the next one and a half hours in a state of standing and pain (once again it opposes the health principles as the human body does not need this running and standing after the full stomach, but the rest so that blood can gather in the digestive tract (digestive mussels) to digest it (link). You just have to watch how people are standing in Tarawih with full stomachs. They are half asleep and wishing (or perhaps even praying) only for the completion of this punishment i.e. Tarawih. 

  9. A person needs a certain amount of liquid consumption per day. Since people cannot drink during the fasting period, thus people are Drinking + Eating at the same time at Iftar and at dinner and at Suhur (which opposes health principles). In simple words, there is never enough time to give a break between eating and drinking during Islamic fasting and people are compelled to do both at the same time. 

  10. People cannot go to bed early to sleep, as they need some time for their families too. Iftar and then Tarawih prayers in mosques waste a lot of their time which they cannot spend with their families. As a result, they are late going to bed for sleeping. 

  11. It also affects the 'sex life'. Firstly, Muslims are allowed to do sex with their partners only during the night. Secondly, they have to take a whole body bath before the Fajr prayer. This once again reduces the time for sleep. People have to make water hot (especially in cold places and in winter). Women with long hair need a lot of time after bathing to dry their hair.  Remember, in the past centuries, people didn't have the luxury of bathrooms in their houses, and they had to go to the common Hammams. Now imagine how difficult it was for men and women to go to Hammams during the middle of the night.

  12. And then repeat this unnatural cycle of eating and sleeping for the next 30 days.

Muslim Preachers: Allah didn't tell us to overeat, but Muslims are responsible themselves for overeating

Death due to overeating in RamadanOne of the most commonly cited justifications by Muslim preachers for overeating during Ramadan is that Allah didn't command overeating, and individuals are responsible for their own actions.

However, this rationale overlooks the fact that the supposedly All-Wise Allah seems to lack an understanding of human nature. Human hormones don't function optimally after prolonged hunger, leading individuals to react instinctively by overeating when faced with food. This response is a natural outcome in such circumstances. Despite being advised against overeating, a significant majority of Muslims continue to engage in this behavior due to the physiological impact.

The trend of overeating among Muslims has persisted over the past 14 centuries and is likely to continue in the future. No amount of Islamic teachings seems capable of altering this pattern, as Islam appears to conflict with human nature and the workings of hormones in such situations.

Hormonal Imbalance and Irregular Periods in women due to Fasting for 30 consecutive days

Link to the Full Scientific Study

Does Ramadan fasting has any effects on menstrual cycles?


We found 11.3%, 30%, and 16.3% of participates had abnormal menstrual pattern three months before, during and three months after Ramadan, respectively. In participates who fast more than 15 days, menstrual period had significantly more abnormality than participants who fast less than 15 days. Considering our results we demonstrated that menstrual abnormalities during Ramadan month reach to their peak and three months after Ramadan reduce but do not return to previous condition.


This study confirms that menstrual abnormalities including oligomenorrhea, polymenorrhea and hypermenorrhea increased during Ramadan especially in participates with more than 15 days of fasting.

If Allah is truly all-Knowing, why didn't He know that women's bodies are not made for fasting for 30 consecutive days, and it will harm some of them? These poor creatures have suffered from it for the last 14 centuries.

Again, this "out of balance" Islamic approach proves only one thing: there exists no divine Allah in the heavens, and Muhammad was making the revelation on his own. Thus, he is making human mistakes here.

Only Thanks to Intermittent Fasting + Open Western Society that the Negative Side of Islamic Fasting + Closed Islamic Society Got Exposed

Due to the closed system for women in Islam, their problems and health risks due to fasting in Ramadan never came to light.

Every type of continued fasting poses a risk for women. The Western world realized this when intermittent fasting became popular. Some women started experiencing various problems due to continued intermittent fasting (even though they are allowed to drink water during fasting). Since the Western system is not closed in the name of modesty, issues came to light quickly.

Experts now recommend women practicing intermittent fasting not to fast on consecutive days due to the risks to their 'Hormonal Health' and 'Irregularities in Periods.' Women are advised to:

  1. Fast on alternative days.
  2. Fast twice a week.
  3. Consider extending intermittent fasting to the whole year.


Women's bodies are biologically built for fertility and reproduction. Extended periods without food signal the body that it's not an ideal time for reproduction.

You might be thinking, "So what? I don’t want to get pregnant now or maybe ever." However, fertility isn’t the only concern. Estrogen and progesterone play vital roles in metabolism, weight loss, mood, anxiety and stress, energy, bone density, and cognitive function, among others.

The disease of irregular periods is easy to determine for women, but other diseases due to hormonal imbalance and others are challenging to identify. The people of ancient times had no idea about them, and these diseases continued to make women more ill internally, with no understanding of what was happening to their bodies. Allah, being All-Knowing, should protect women from such issues. Nevertheless, Allah acted in the opposite direction, making the lives of such women even more difficult through the obligation of 30 consecutive fasting days of Ramadan.

Please read more details here

Islamic Fasting has nothing to do with “Intermittent Fasting”

Intermittent Fasting focuses on:

  1. Ensuring a full and proper sleep schedule.
  2. Eating at optimal times.
  3. Taking adequate rest breaks.
  4. Maintaining overall daily activity.

Remaining active without food intake is a core principle of Intermittent Fasting. In contrast, Islamic Fasting, which prohibits both eating and drinking, leads to weakness and lethargy, hindering daily activity.

 You will never hear that:

  • A person on intermittent fasting asks other people to "respect" his fast and not to eat in front of him (as it happens in Islamic Fasting).
  • A person on intermittent fasting asks others to give him concessions of doing less work during his job (as it happens in Islamic Fasting all the time). 

The practice of not drinking water throughout the day, a feature of Islamic Fasting, lacks health benefits. Even the traditional sunrise-to-sundown fasting in Islam may not be advantageous when accompanied by large meals in the morning and evening, causing significant insulin spikes. In contrast, Intermittent Fasting, involving water intake and a longer no-food fast, aims to trigger autophagy for potential health benefits.

Blasphemy: Islamic Countries Punish Individuals for Public Eating/Drinking During Ramadan

In Islamic countries, individuals, even non-Muslims, who publicly eat or drink during fasting hours can face punishment under the guise of blasphemy against Islamic fasting.

And Muslim logic for punishing that person is that he hurt the feelings of other Muslims who were fasting by eating/drinking in front of them and not showing respect to Islamic practices. 

Muslims are strange that they get angry with others only after fasting for 12-15 hours for eating/drinking in front of them, and they want to beat and punish others for it. 

On the other hand, these are poor children who have been suffering from hunger for years and years, but thankfully they don't apply the Muslim logic here. Otherwise, these poor children have to set the houses of Muslims on fire for hurting their feelings through their Iftar parties and all the delicious food they eat at Suhur (سحر) and Iftar. And for respecting the feelings of these hungry children, eating in public should be banned not only during Ramadan but throughout the whole year. 

Ramadan Poor Children + An old Hindu man beaten for eating in Ramadan

The question is, why does there exist this draconian law in Islamic countries? The presence of such a law is itself a disgrace to humanity.

Ramadan Blasphemy Laws are Biddah (Innovation):

Read the statement of this scholar from Al-Azhar University (link):

Sheikh Mohamed Abdullah Nasr, coordinator of the Azhar Scholars for a Civilian State Front, said there is no proof in the Quran or the Sunnah - the prophet’s teachings - of the presence of an entity that penalized people who did not fast during Ramadan. “The prophet himself said Muslims fast for God so only God can penalize those who don’t,” he said. “The prophet never even scolded those who did not fast.”

There is not a single command in the Quran or Hadith that mandates restricting others from eating and drinking in public under the pretext of ‘respecting Ramadan.’ Similarly, no Hadith exists that prescribes the death penalty for someone who does not fast. The issue of execution was originally linked to the denial of the obligation of fasting, but today’s scholars and clerics have cunningly manipulated it to instill fear by falsely associating it with merely not fasting.

Instead of citing evidence from the Quran and Hadith, these deceptive clerics often rely on the statement of Ibn Taymiyyah:

Ibn Taymiyyah stated (link):

347 - 17 - وَسُئِلَ عَمَّنْ أَفْطَرَ فِي رَمَضَانَ؟ 

فَأَجَابَ: إذَا أَفْطَرَ فِي رَمَضَانَ مُسْتَحِلًّا لِذَلِكَ، وَهُوَ عَالِمٌ بِتَحْرِيمِهِ اسْتِحْلَالًا لَهُ، وَجَبَ قَتْلُهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ فَاسِقًا عُوقِبَ عَنْ فِطْرِهِ فِي رَمَضَانَ بِحَسَبِ مَا يَرَاهُ الْإِمَامُ، وَأَخَذَ مِنْهُ حَدَّ الزِّنَا، وَإِنْ كَانَ جَاهِلًا عُرِّفَ بِذَلِكَ، وَأُخِذَ مِنْهُ حَدُّ الزِّنَا، وَيُرْجَعُ فِي ذَلِكَ إلَى اجْتِهَادِ الْإِمَامِ، وَاَللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ. 

347 - 17 - He (Ibn Taymiyyah) was asked about someone who broke their fast during Ramadan.

He replied: If a person breaks their fast in Ramadan, considering it permissible while knowing that it is forbidden, and does so as an act of defiance, then they must be killed. However, if they are merely a sinner (Fasiq), they should be punished for breaking the fast in Ramadan according to what the Imam deems appropriate. (It is the same as when) They should also be subjected to the punishment for adultery (even) if they were ignorant (of the ruling), they should be informed, and the punishment for adultery should be enforced upon them. The matter ultimately depends on the Imam’s judgment. And Allah knows best.  (Al-Fatawa Al-Kubra 2/473)

The first part of Ibn Taymiyyah’s fatwa is not related to non-Muslims or to the so-called 'respect for fasting.' It does not prescribe execution for merely skipping the fast but is solely about rejecting the obligation of fasting.

Even in the second part of his fatwa, Ibn Taymiyyah does not mention non-Muslims or impose any restriction on them eating and drinking in public during Ramadan. And even if Ibn Taymiyyah had imposed such a restriction, it would still be considered an innovation (bid'ah) in the absence of Quranic or Hadith evidence.

Nowhere in the Quran or Hadith is there a command to punish someone for not fasting. In fact, the long-standing scholarly consensus was that skipping the fast is merely classified as a major sin (gunah-e-kabira)—not a punishable offense.

Shaming and harassing others for not fasting and eating

Even in non-Muslim countries, this has become a disease and Muslims start harassing non-Muslims for eating and drinking. For example, look at this video:

The act of shaming and harassing others for not fasting should unequivocally be recognized as religious abuse. This trend of shaming began in schools, and unfortunately, we didn't address it effectively back then. It was imperative for governments to clearly state that children under 14 should not be fasting, especially on school days. Additionally, Muslim children should have received clear instructions not to shame others who choose not to fast or eat during Ramadan.
Now, it's crucial for workplaces and organizations to issue clear directives to their Muslim employees, explicitly stating that shaming others for eating during Ramadan will be considered religious abuse and will result in consequences.

"I can smell it" ... But this is the same argument that is used by Hindus in India to ban any meat consumption from Muslims. In the same way, Hindus in Muslim countries can then also use the same argument to let all meat be banned in Islamic countries.

It is not necessary to stay hungry to understand the miseries of poor people

Muslims also claim:

When rich people have to fast, then they understand the hunger of poor people too, and they help poor people more. 


Firstly, if someone is crippled, then we don't need to break our leg too in order to understand his suffering. 

Empathy with someone's suffering doesn't necessitate experiencing the same hardships firsthand. Analogously, understanding the plight of the poor doesn't require subjecting oneself to the unnatural and harmful practices of Islamic fasting; instead, it involves cultivating compassion and humanity.

Reality Check:

  1. Increased Hunger Among Muslims:

    • Islamic fasting during Ramadan doesn't significantly amplify one's understanding of the hunger experienced by the poor.
    • Muslims, paradoxically, spend 2 to 3 times more on their own food during Ramadan.
  2. Economic Strain on the Poor:

    • The prices of essential food items skyrocket during Ramadan, exacerbating the challenges faced by the impoverished.
    • Laws prohibiting the sale of food and drinks during the day impact the earnings of small vendors, worsening the plight of the poor.
  3. Economic Downturn:

    • Business activities plummet by approximately 78% during Ramadan, adversely affecting the income and livelihoods of the poor.
  4. Challenges for Laborers:

    • Poor individuals engaged in labor-intensive jobs face the dilemma of how to perform strenuous tasks while hungry and thirsty.
    • The economic downturn during Ramadan further limits job opportunities for these individuals.

Ramadan is indeed a torment for the poor. 

Secondly, we have to be honest and admit that fasting may increase empathy with the poor via experience as opposed to having sympathy. Besides, fasting is pretty universal in all the traditions, it is not anything Islam has a monopoly over. 

Moreover,  we (as a non-religious society) have already adopted new traditions like Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Women's Day etc. Thus, if needed, then we (as a non-religious society) are also potentially capable of adopting fasting practices and traditions which will be free of the "out of balance approach" and other evils of Islamic fasting (like 30 days of consecutive fasting and forgetting about it during the remaining year, causing health risks to women, wastage of food and resources, reduction of output and economic activities which ultimately put economic strain on the poor etc.).

Islamic Preachers: Muslims become honest during Ramadan

Islamic preachers often argue that Muslims, during the month of Ramadan, exhibit heightened moral honesty, abstaining from lies and other ethical transgressions. However, this claim raises logical concerns.

Muslims believe that Allah's presence is constant, extending beyond the fasting period. If the perpetual fear of Allah is insufficient to deter individuals from dishonesty and other immoral acts, how can fasting alone serve as a greater deterrent? Does fasting hold more sway than the omnipresence of Allah?

The notion of enhanced morality during Ramadan appears artificial and potentially deceptive. Even if a temporary change occurs, it seems to dissipate after the fasting period concludes. This may explain the persistence of corruption in Islamic countries throughout the year.

In contrast, consider Japan, an atheist country recognized for its exceptional honesty. Japanese citizens turned in a remarkable ¥3.9 billion in lost cash to the Tokyo Police in 2019  (link). The morality of atheist Japanese society is rooted in the education of "Humanity," a foundation that endures beyond temporary fasting rituals in a specific month.

If anything, Ramadan tends to cause people to stroke their own egos and boost their own pride or sense of self-importance.

Islamic Fasting and the Misguided Notion of Sexual Self-Control

Islamic preachers assert that Muslims, refraining from sexual relations with their spouses during the fasting period, acquire sexual self-control through fasting. However, this argument is fundamentally flawed.

Sexuality is a natural aspect of human life, and the idea of abstaining from it without a rational basis is questionable. Suppressing natural urges without logical reasons raises concerns about the value of such restrictions.

In contrast, secular societies in the West emphasize education on respecting their partners' choices. When a partner is not ready for sexual activity, individuals are encouraged to exercise self-control and respect their partners' decisions. This approach appears more reasonable than the Islamic practice of fasting, where individuals are prohibited from engaging in natural sexual activities during specific periods. Moreover, the allowance for marital rape after the fasting period undermines the concept of mutual respect for choices within marital relationships.

Islamic Apologists' Claim on Low Cancer Rates in the Middle East Debunked

Islam apologists often cite a specific video (link) claiming that the Middle East has a lower cancer rate than the rest of the world, attributing it, in part, to Islamic fasting. However, a critical analysis reveals several flaws in this argument.

Firstly, the video features Dr. Berg, a Westerner who may not have a comprehensive understanding of the nuances of Islamic fasting during Ramadan.

Dr. Berg's assertion that reduced sugar intake due to fasting is a primary reason for lower cancer rates in the Middle East is contradicted by the fact that Muslim countries experience an increase in sugar consumption during Ramadan (see this Study for details - link).

Thus, the claim that it is fasting that leads to reduced sugar intake as a cancer-preventive measure is not substantiated by evidence, but the evidence goes in the opposite direction. It may be without Ramadan fasting (and consuming a lot of sugar during this month), the rate of cancer may drop even more in Arabic countries. 

Additionally, Dr. Berg himself acknowledges other factors such as reduced smoking and alcohol consumption in Arabic countries, suggesting that these lifestyle choices could contribute to the lower cancer rates.

Thus, drawing conclusions about cancer rates solely based on Islamic fasting remains unsupported by concrete evidence.

Zakat Argument:

Islamic preachers come up with an excuse that Zakat saves poor people during Ramadan. But we all know that Zakat system is broken in almost all Islamic countries on the state level, and there is no guarantee that every needy person get Zakat. Many people have Ghayrah and they don't want to beg for Zakat, but they are also compelled for it. 

And here is a Study of Egypt which tells Zakat is not enough to help alleviate poverty (link):

The study estimates the potential zakat collection in Egypt while the potential zakat as percentages to GDP were 1.05%, 1.04% and 1% for years 2000, 2005 and 2008 respectively. Accordingly, zakat contributes by 0.233$, 0.196 and 0.387 per day in years 2000, 2005 and 2008 respectively and these are not enough to alleviate poverty in the Egyptian Economy. 

Around 50 percent of the food prepared during Ramadan is wasted

Please read this article:

Middle Eastern nations are acknowledged as being the world’s top food wasters, and during Ramadan the situation takes a turn for the worse. In the GCC nations, as per conservative estimates, around 50 percent of the food prepared during Ramadan is wasted.

In 2012, the Dubai Municipality estimated that in Ramadan, around 55% of household waste (or approximately 1,850 tons is thrown away every day. An estimated 4500 tons of food is wasted across Saudi Arabia during Ramadan. Food waste generation in Bahrain exceeds 400 tons per day during the holy month, according to Rehan Ahmad, Head of Waste Disposal Unit (Bahrain). As far as Qatar is concerned, almost half of the food prepared during Ramadan find its way into garbage bins.

We don't even need any other proof for it as we see it with our own eyes throughout the month of Ramadan. 

Additional Muslim Excuses Debunked::

(1) Suhur is just a midnight snack, not a proper meal


Even if we consider Suhur as a mere snack, the practice of waking up in the middle of the night to eat before dawn raises questions about its wisdom.

People not only consume a so-called snack at Suhur but also engage in a lot of water intake to remain hydrated for the prolonged fasting hours. This dual process of eating and drinking at the same time is against the principles of health and contradicts the idea of a simple midnight snack.

Moreover, relying on a snack for sustenance throughout the day can lead to energy deficiencies, impacting concentration and performance in various activities. . It may make it difficult for you to concentrate on your studies during the whole day, or to perform your duties as a factory worker, or as an office employee. This is especially concerning for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, who, despite not being exempted from fasting, may face risks of nutritional deficiencies due to the light snacking at Suhur. It's important to note that these deficiencies may not manifest immediately but can accumulate over the 30 days of consecutive fasting in Ramadan.

(2) Follow the law of the country if it bans eating/drinking publically

Islamic preachers often present this excuse:

In an Islamic country, it's reasonable to adhere to local laws, including those that prohibit eating or drinking in public during fasting hours. Non-Muslims demanding compliance with secular laws in their countries while criticizing Islamic laws in Muslim countries display double standards  


Imagine if a secular Western country enacted a law banning the preaching of Islam. Would Muslims accept and follow it, or would they rightfully protest, citing violations of basic human rights? Yes, "preaching one's religion/ideology" is a basic human right, and no majority is allowed to usurp this basic human right to a minority (or even of a single individual). 

The rule is clear: There can be no compromise on "Fundamental Human Rights". 

This reveals a clear double standard of Islamic countries.

Eating and drinking are "fundamental human rights", and no law should infringe upon these rights, whether based on religion or otherwise. Therefore, we have all the right to criticize this so-called Ramadhan Blasphemy law which usurps the basic human rights of minority non-Muslims. And we also have all the right to criticize Islamic laws in Muslim countries that restrict non-Muslims from expressing their views, publishing materials against Islam, and practising their ideology freely. Such restrictions include preventing Muslims from leaving Islam and becoming ex-Muslims.

(3) France also banned Hijab in schools, so don't whine about the ban on eating/drinking in public

The next Muslim excuse is:

France banned Hijab in schools, and atheists advise Muslims to comply with French law.

Only citing French law about a partial ban on the Hijab (i.e. only in schools for girls under the age of 18) and then taking shelter behind it for all the crimes against humanity in Islamic countries (like blasphemy laws and Ramadan laws etc.) is futile.

The line of reasoning for the French decision is that CHILDREN should be protected against Brainwashing by anyone (including religious brainwashing from their parents too). It is a great injustice against children to let them become the prey of this brainwashing in their childhood. This religious brainwashing is a reality, and that is why a Hindu child becomes a Hindu, a Christian child becomes a Christian, and a Muslim child becomes a Muslim after becoming an adult. Thus, children should be protected from this religious brainwashing, and they should accept any religion/philosophy on their own after becoming adults. 

That is why there is already a movement demanding a ban on all such brainwashing and religious practices which are forced upon children by their parents (like taking them to mosques, churches, Hindu temples etc.). But when these children become 18 years old, then they will be fully allowed to read and decide for themselves which ideology they want to follow, including Hijab and Islam. Please read our article: 

In the French system, all children and all parents have equal rights as human beings. It is not like the Islamic system, which is an unjust system, which allows only Muslims to preach to non-Muslims, and to publish all kinds of books criticizing other religions/ideologies, but does not allow non-Muslims to criticize Islam or to publish books against Islam, or to preach their ideology to Muslims. 

(4) Ramadan fasting is a suitable starting point as an intervention for the global obesity epidemic


This claim is inaccurate. In reality, food consumption, including sugar, rises many folds in Muslim countries during Ramadan.

Ramadan fasting is associated with heightened lethargy, leading to a notable decrease in productivity throughout the entire month. Therefore, it cannot be considered a viable solution to the issues associated with the global obesity epidemic; instead, it has the potential to exacerbate existing problems.

(5) Scientific study proves that people indeed lost weight during Ramadan Fasting

Muslim preachers also came up with this study (link), which claims that people indeed lost weight during Ramadan, which may also help with cardiovascular diseases (link). 


Once again, nobody denies the health benefits of fasting. But the issue is only about the "out of balance" Islamic approach. 

Moreover, the reduction of weight during Ramadan is not based on any HEALTHY Physical Activity (like walking, jogging, going to the gym etc.). But it is solely based upon this unhealthy way that people don't get enough time to eat enough healthy food during Ramadan. In that small window between Iftaar and Suhur, they have not only to eat but also to hydrate themselves by drinking a lot of water at the same time. 

There is a reason why fasting is not considered a healthy way of reducing weight. That is why, when Ramadan is over, then people go back to their older habits, and again start eating the same way as before, and again gain weight. 

As far as Healthy Physical Activities are concerned, then they are REDUCED significantly during Ramadan, and people become extremely lazy. Moreover, they avoid morning walks or any other physical activities due to the fear of becoming thirsty so early during their fast. 


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