Table of Contents:


There is No Greater Proof Than Love: Homosexuality is Natural

Homosexuality is deeply rooted in a profound sense of love between individuals, with sexual intimacy being just one aspect of their connection. This is evident from the following:

  • Homosexual individuals experience love for one another, just as heterosexual individuals do.
  • They dream about their partners and long for emotional closeness.
  • Living together with their loved ones brings them emotional fulfillment.
  • They derive joy and pleasure from their intimate relationships.

Love, as a natural and fundamental human experience, cannot be considered unnatural. Therefore, the idea of homosexuality being unnatural can only stem from ignoring the presence of love within same-sex relationships.

Objection: If "Love is Love," Then Water is Water—Why Not Drink Toilet Water?

Some individuals with homophobic views raise this objection, comparing the concept of "love is love" to saying "water is water" and asking why we don't drink from the toilet.

This comparison is deeply flawed for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Emotional Connection:
    There is no love, attraction, or emotional connection associated with a specific toilet or its water.

  2. Purpose and Context:
    Drinking toilet water is neither a source of pleasure nor a desirable activity for anyone. Bottled water, by contrast, serves a clear purpose and fulfills a need in a way that aligns with human preferences.

  3. Dreams and Aspirations:
    People don’t dream of or feel emotionally fulfilled by drinking toilet water. Love, on the other hand, is a profound and deeply human experience, filled with dreams, desires, and emotional satisfaction.

Homosexuality is not a trivial or superficial preference; it is a natural and integral part of human identity. It involves love, attraction, and emotional fulfillment—qualities that are incomparable to the absurd notion of drinking toilet water.

We hope that those holding such homophobic views can recognize the fallacy in this comparison and understand the importance of embracing love, compassion, and acceptance.


Objection 1: Paedophiles also feel attraction towards children

It is imperative to address the objection that homosexuality is wrong by drawing parallels with paedophilia. To comprehend this issue, two key principles must be considered:

  1. Nature is not 100% Perfect for humans. It is not flawlessly tailored for humans; it operates independently of human concerns. Humans make compromises and adapt to nature's course to ensure survival.
  2. Humans formed societies on the PRINCIPLE that one person is not allowed to hurt another person. 

Imperfect Nature makes animals (including humans) fight others for food and sex and even kill each other. 

Humans, unlike animals, have intellect and the capacity to control natural instincts, including love and hunger for food, to maintain a civilized society. While natural inclinations such as the tendency for love and to have sex and the need for food are innate, society encourages individuals to exercise control and refrain from imposing these desires forcefully on others without consent.

The same principle applies to homosexuality, where natural desires are acknowledged, but acting upon them is acceptable only when consensual and not imposed forcefully on another person.

Acknowledging Imperfections:

  • Imperfect nature may lead some individuals to exhibit short tempers, aggression, or even unnatural attractions, such as towards children.
  • Individuals with such inclinations are encouraged to exercise self-control, seek psychological assistance, and explore beneficial measures to address these circumstances.
  • Laws and punishments act as deterrents to prevent individuals from imposing their desires forcefully on others.

Distinguishing Pedophilia and Homosexuality:

  • Categorizing pedophilia and homosexuality together is erroneous, as there is a fundamental distinction between predatory dynamics of 'prey' and 'consensual love' between two humans.
  • The origins of pedophilia and rape are rooted in violence, where victims are treated as prey. Homosexuality, on the other hand, involves consent based on love, where the other party is not considered as a prey but as a partner


  • Nature is imperfect, requiring compromises. While some individuals may be naturally attracted to children, the absence of consent from the second party makes it unacceptable.
  • In the case of homosexuality, where both parties provide consent, no compromise is necessary, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives together.


Objection 2: Homosexuality is unnatural while it is disgusting


One common mistake among religious individuals is the belief that their God/Allah is PERFECT, and He created a 100% perfect NATURE too. As a result, they find it inconceivable that more than two genders can exist in nature since God supposedly created only two genders.


  • Nature is indifferent to the concerns of humans and does not guarantee a state of absolute 100% perfection tailored specifically for them.
  • In order to survive, we must adapt and make compromises in accordance with nature, even if we find them imperfect, distasteful, or encompassing certain risks.

The male and female genitalia harbor numerous bacteria and can carry diseases, unlike other parts of the body's skin. They may also lack a pleasant fragrance, often emanating an unpleasant odor due to their dual function for waste elimination. One might question why nature didn't design separate organs for sexual activity that was free from bacteria, and diseases, and possessed a pleasant scent like flowers. However, nature does not prioritize absolute perfection for human satisfaction. As humans, we must compromise and accept some level of disgust and risks for the sake of experiencing greater pleasure. The same is true about oral sex (i.e. kissing the vagina or penis) and kissing on the mouth despite the saliva being disgusting and also having bacteria.

Even Islam allows kissing the mouth, vagina and penis in a hetero relationship. Here is a Shia Fatwa about kissing and mouthing each other’s genitals being Halal. And here is a Sunni Fatwa that it is Halal that a wife can take the dirty penis in her mouth, and the husband can splash his semen upon her hair and face and all over. 

In conclusion:

  • Instead of criminalizing sex, the emphasis should be on promoting safe sexual practices and raising awareness about preventive measures.
  • And homophobic Muslims cannot declare homosexuality to be a "crime" and "unnatural" on the basis of their argument of it being "disgusting" and "more" dangerous. While the challenge for homophobic Muslims is to prove that their 100% perfect Allah has created a 100% perfect Nature which is absolutely free of any disgust and risk in a hetero sex-relationship.  
  • If they are unable to establish the absolute perfection of nature, their argument against homosexuality also loses its validity.


Do you also want to Ban and Criminalize 'Masturbation' while it is also not Natural?

We also want to ask from those who oppose homosexuality: Please tell us:

  • Has your GOD told you that masturbation is Natural?
  • Or do you consider masturbation against nature too and want to ban and criminalize it? 
  • And if you don't want to ban and criminalize masturbation despite it being against nature, why then these double standards where you only want to ban/criminalize homosexuality?

As far as we (supporter of homosexuality) are concerned, then for us masturbation is also natural, as humans can enjoy sex through masturbation too. They can enjoy:

  • Sex between man and woman
  • Sex between homosexuals
  • Masturbation with their own hands
  • When their partners masturbate them.  

All these forms of enjoying sex are natural for humans and cannot be banned/criminalized. 


Objection 3: Homosexuality is not natural, but it develops due to the environment

Islamic preachers claim that homosexuality cannot exist naturally, but it is only due to the brainwashing of the environment. 

If homosexuality is a product of brainwashing only, then there would have been ZERO homosexuality in Muslim societies. In Islamic societies, they actually brainwash people against homosexuality, they also threaten people with draconian physical punishments, as well as eternal punishments in the hereafter. But despite all this, natural homosexuality wins over all the fears of Allah, eternal hell, physical punishments, and religious brainwashing. 

Similarly, no one brainwashes 3-year-old small children into homosexuality. But they automatically by nature start showing such homosexual behaviour at such ages. 


Objection 4: Homosexuality is a Unnatural while it brings risks for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Our Response: 

You cannot determine whether something is natural or unnatural based on the presence of diseases. For example:

If medical tests showed that two people were free of STDs, would you then consider homosexuality natural and allow them to marry? Additionally, STDs can also be transmitted through heterosexual activities. Would you then label heterosexual relationships as unnatural and prohibit marriage or force couples to divorce?

In simple words, cures are founds against diseases, but you cannot declare other things to be unnatural due to them. 

Islamic TEMPORARY POLYGAMOUS relationships with Slave Girls also brought STDs:

Islam not only allowed 4 wives, but also allowed to rape dozens of slave girls, and that too in TEMPORARY sexual relationship. 

  • Firstly, Islam allowed the master to rape the slave girl (against her will). 
  • Then, after fulfilling his lust, the master was allowed to hand her over to any of his brothers or slaves (against her will). 
  • And after all of his brother and slaves had raped her and fulfilled their lust one by one in a TEMPORARY sexual relationship (like of Mut'ah in Shia Islam), she was sold to the 2nd master in the Islamic Bazaar of slavery, while the 1st master bought a new slave girl and started raping her. 
  • And the 2nd master raped her again and then sold her to the 3rd master in the slave market. Thus, the cycle of rape of the poor slave girl continued (where multiple Muslim masters raped her).

Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Nikah (link), Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Qadr (link), Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Tauheed (link):

0 Abu Sa'id al-Khadri said: We went out with Allah's Messenger on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired (to have sex with) them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but we also desired good ransom money by selling them). So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (i.e. withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception so that they don’t become pregnant and could be sold for good ransom money). But then we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Messenger, and he said: (Yes, it is allowed, but) it does not matter if you do it or not, while if any soul has to be born up to the Day of Resurrection, then it will be born.

Furthermore, Islam also allowed the master, if he got lust for the wife of his male slave, then he could snatch away the wife from his male slave and rape her, thus destroying the whole slave family. 

Sahih Bukhari, [Chapter: "Forbidden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters..."]:
وَقَالَ أَنَسٌ: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} ذَوَاتُ الأَزْوَاجِ الْحَرَائِرُ حَرَامٌ إِلاَّ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ لاَ يَرَى بَأْسًا أَنْ يَنْزِعَ الرَّجُلُ جَارِيَتَهُ مِنْ عَبْدِهِ.
Anas said: The meaning of the Quranic verse: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ} Married free women are forbidden to you except your married slave women that your right hands possess. But there is no problem if a man (i.e. the owner) takes his (married) female slave (for himself) from his male slave.

The evil of "Temporary" sexual relationships with slave girls in Islam also led to another evil, where the swapping of slave girls also became Halal Allah. If a Muslim man got lust for a slave girl of another person, he can simply offer that other man to swap their slave girls for rape. 

Tafsir-e-Mazhari is a commentary of the Quran, which is taught in every Hanafi school. It is written under the commentary of verse 33:52 (Link):

Ibn Zayd said about this verse {وَلَآ أَن تَبَدَّلَ بِهِنَّ مِنْ أَزْوَٰجٍ nor to exchange your present wives for other women (Verse 33:52)} that people used to swap their wives during the era of ignorance ... upon that Allah revealed this verse and the swapping of wives is thus not allowed. But the slave women are not included in it, and you can swapp them and there is no issue in it

So, if Islamist Allah didn't prohibit raping slave girls in temporary sexual relationships due to chances of STDs, then Islamists cannot declare homosexuality to be a crime due to chances of spread of STDs too.


Objection 5: Homosexuality is Unnatural while it raises the rate of HIV

You cannot determine what is natural or unnatural based on the presence of diseases. Consider this question: "Would you view homosexuality as natural if science discovered a cure for HIV?"

It has been established that nature is not flawlessly designed for human beings, as discussed earlier.

Therefore, all forms of sexual relationships carry some level of risk, and individuals must make compromises between greater gain and lesser risk.

Additionally, it is essential for religious individuals to differentiate between "crime" and "disease." When an action is classified as a crime, it is prohibited. However, in the case of a disease, it is not declared a crime but rather treated and cured.

Sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, can be transmitted through both anal and vaginal intercourse, although the risk may be comparatively lower in vaginal intercourse. Should we then consider sex in the vagina as a "lesser criminal act"?

Hence, when there is a possibility of disease transmission during consensual sexual interactions, the focus should be on finding cures for the diseases and taking precautions to prevent their spread. It is not appropriate to criminalize these natural actions.

Scientific advancements have reached a point where AIDS is considered less dangerous than diseases like diabetes. Should we now consider the consumption of sugar a crime as well?

Note: Homosexuals don't transmit HIV to children, but heterosexuals do

It is important to clarify that homosexuality itself does not transmit AIDS to children. However, in the context of heterosexual relationships, the transmission of AIDS from an infected parent to a child can occur and is indeed a significant concern.

AIDS, which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), can be transmitted through various means, including unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles, and mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. In heterosexual relationships where one partner is HIV-positive, there is a risk of transmitting the virus to their partner and potentially to any children conceived or born during the course of the relationship.

It is crucial to emphasize that AIDS and HIV do not discriminate based on sexual orientation. The risk of transmission exists for individuals of any sexual orientation who engage in behaviors that can lead to the spread of the virus. Proper education, awareness, and access to healthcare services are essential in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS in all populations, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

HIV now infects more heterosexual people than gay or bisexual men – 

We have already mentioned above, instead of criminalizing sex, the emphasis should be on promoting safe sexual practices and raising awareness about preventive measures and medical advancements. 

It has already made a difference. Please read this article:

Article: HIV now infects more heterosexual people than gay or bisexual men


  • In 2022, 49% of new diagnoses in England are among straight people (with an almost even split between men and women), compared with 45% for gay and bisexual men.  This is the first time in a decade that new diagnoses among heterosexuals are higher – marking a clear change in the shape of the domestic HIV epidemic.
  • Thankfully, this isn’t about a huge spike in HIV diagnoses among heterosexuals. Instead, it’s primarily the result of a sharp, sustained drop in diagnoses among gay and bisexual men with a 71% fall since 2014. 
  • Three big changes are making this difference. First, we are increasingly getting better at HIV testing. Second, the HIV prevention pill PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is highly effective at protecting against HIV. Finally, we now treat people living with HIV as close to their diagnosis as possible. Early diagnosis and access to effective treatment means the virus is quickly suppressed to “undetectable” levels, meaning zero risk of passing the virus to sexual partners.


Objection 6: 12-year-old children are permitted to take harmful hormone blockers

Let us ask the critics: "Would you accept homosexuality if hormone blockers or surgeries were not involved?"

The real problem is that opponents often try to ban homosexuality entirely by focusing on secondary issues like hormone blockers and surgeries. While these are important concerns, they are not the main issue. You may disagree on these secondary matters, but it's not justified to ban homosexuality as a whole because of them.

Why Hormon Blockers are Needed?

Individuals who hold homophobic views, they accuse liberals of administering toxic hormone blockers to their children under the guise of addressing homosexuality.

We repeat, the core issue at hand is the belief held by many religious individuals that nature is inherently flawless, as it was created by their perfect God/Allah. However, this is a misconception and a mistake. Nature does not strive for perfection specifically for human beings; it follows its own course without concern for us. As humans, we must adapt ourselves to nature.

Gender dysphoria typically emerges in childhood and often worsens with the onset of puberty, rarely resolving itself. This condition manifests in children through:

  1. Depression and anxiety.
  2. Challenges in social interactions with peers.
  3. Self-harm and suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Homophobes collectively deny the existence of these issues in affected children, relying on the notion that their God/Allah is flawless.

It is important to note that it is not solely liberals who propose the use of hormone blockers in these cases. Rather, this suggestion comes from numerous psychiatrists and decades-long scientific research involving hundreds of studies.

Puberty blockers offer transgender children additional time to explore their gender identity and make informed decisions regarding potential future medical interventions like hormone therapy or surgery. It is crucial to understand that puberty blockers are generally reversible and do not necessarily lead to irreversible changes. Contrary to the portrayal by homophobes, hormone blockers are not toxic. While they may have some negative side effects, as with any medication, all doctors, psychiatrists, and scientific studies unanimously agree that the benefits of hormone blockers outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Furthermore, hormone blockers have their advantages:

  • Imagine a biologically male individual who identifies as a girl. They do not wish to develop facial or body hair or experience a deepening of their voice, but they desire to present themselves outwardly as a girl. Hormone blockers provide the only solution in such cases. For those assigned male at birth, hormone blockers reduce the growth of facial and body hair and prevent voice deepening.
  • Similarly, envision a biologically female individual who identifies as a boy. They do not want to develop breasts. In such cases, hormone blockers limit or halt breast development and menstrual cycles.

These changes typically begin around the age of 12, coinciding with the onset of puberty, thus necessitating intervention at this age. And we have to adapt according to imperfect nature and we are compelled to take steps at the age of 12. 

For more information on puberty blockers, please refer to this resource.

Hormone Therapy and Surgery:

Hormone blockers are distinct from hormone therapy. It is crucial not to confuse hormone blockers with hormone therapy. Individuals decide themselves about homone therapy (or surgery) after the age of 18 or later. They are adults at the age of 18, and can make informed decisions about themselves. 

Yes, there are side effects of hormone therapy and surgery (like any other medication and operations), but studies show that positives for such individuals outweight their negatives. You cannot make people to suffer psychologically, make their lives so miserable that many of them develop tendency to suicide in the name of side-effects of hormone therapy or surgery. Scientific studies are again on the side of giving these people right to decide for themselves what brings them more enjoyment in their lives. 


Objection 7: "Do you believe a child who's 3 years old can decide their gender?"

Muslim preachers object (link) of whether it is appropriate to let a 3-year-old child determine their gender identity.

The response to this objection is not about asking 3-year-olds to make decisions about their gender, but rather about granting them the freedom to explore their own gender identity. There is no specific age limit; they can take as much time as they need.

We have two options:

  • The first option is to allow children to express how they feel internally, as nobody knows their feelings better than themselves. They can then seek the assistance of professionals who have extensive experience and knowledge of scientific studies in this field to explore their gender identity. Ultimately, the final decision rests with the children themselves, under the careful guidance and supervision of professionals.
  • The second option is to let parents make the decision, following solely what their religion dictates.

Choosing between these two options is straightforward. The decision of Children + Science should always take precedence over the decision of parents who rely solely on their religious beliefs.

It's important to note that children can continue exploring their gender identity without needing to make any significant decisions until the age of 12-13 years when their bodies undergo changes and the question of hormone blockers becomes relevant.

Islamic preachers hold an interesting perspective. They argue that a 6-year-old girl is wise enough to make a decision about her husband (even if she has never met him before), yet when it comes to deciding about their own bodies (something they inherently understand), these same Islamic preachers claim that children are not wise enough to make such decisions. Can you see the double standards here?

Unfortunately, Islamic preachers often propagate falsehoods, such as the notion that parents want to mutilate their children (while being accepting of circumcision and even intersex genital mutilation!). In reality, it is rare to find transgender activists advocating for surgery or hormone therapy before the age of 18. Typically, their support centers around granting transgender children the freedom to dress according to their gender identity and the option to receive puberty blockers ONLY AFTER MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION, so they can avoid additional dysphoria, suffering, and undesired traits that they would need to address later.

Sadly, children's rights are often neglected, and even requesting parents not to physically discipline their kids is deemed excessive and labeled as "woke."

Please also read this scientific study:

How Early in Life do Transgender Adults Begin to Experience Gender Dysphoria?


Data from 155 TW (mean age 41.3; SD 16.3) and 55 TM (mean age 35.4; SD 10.8) were collected. Most patients (TM: 78%; TW: 73%) reported experiencing GD for the first time between ages 3 and 7 years. For TM the mean age of onset was 6.17 years; for TW it was 6.71 years. A total of 81% of TW and 80% of TM described their first recollection of GD as one of their earliest memories. Mean years of persistent GD before the start of gender transition were 22.9 (TM) and 27.1 (TW). Rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide ideation decreased following gender transition.


Objection 8: What is a woman? What is a man?

You would not believe it, but these are some of the favourite questions by homophobes during discussions. 

So, why do homophobes ask these dumb questions? It has been made clear in this video

In short, the answer is:

  • A man is a male human being who identifies and presents himself as male, often based on biological sex characteristics, such as having male genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes.
  • A woman is a female human being who identifies and presents herself as female, often based on biological sex characteristics, such as having female genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes.
  • A trans man is a person who was assigned female at birth but identifies and presents himself as male. Trans men may take steps to alter their physical appearance, such as taking hormones or undergoing surgery, to better align with their gender identity.
  • A trans woman is a person who was assigned male at birth but identifies and presents herself as female. Trans women may take steps to alter their physical appearance, such as taking hormones or undergoing surgery, to better align with their gender identity.


Objection 9: Can a man get pregnant?

This is again a dumb question, but still one of the favourite questions of homophobes. Please see in this video how Islamic preachers Ali Dawah asks this question again and again from the supporters of homosexuality. 


Have these Islamic preachers ever pondered upon it that many women can also not become pregnant, but still they want to be a mother of a child?

So what is wrong if a transgender woman cannot become pregnant? This does not kill her wish to become a mother.


Objection 10: The shape of reproductive organs is a witness that homosexuality is unnatural

And we answer religious people that the reproductive organs of animals also show they are not perfect for homosexuality, but still homosexuality is natural among them. And they are involved in homosexual activities without any brainwashing from the atheists. If any, then Allah has to be blamed for misguiding them towards the crime of homosexuality. 

Similarly, the shape of the reproductive organs of human beings is also not natural for masturbation. Still, Islam itself allows the partners to masturbate each other too. All Muslims agree upon it that partners could masturbate each other (link).

All religious people had to agree upon it, while Muhammad himself used to fondle his wives during their menses (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 302).

So, when a Muslim husband is masturbated by his wife, or by his slave girl, then how religious people are going to fit such masturbation in the box of "shape of reproductive organs and nature"? 

Similarly, Islam also allows a man to marry a minor child girl (even if she is breastfed) and to make her naked, and then to rub his penis in her thighs in order to ejaculate.

The largest Islamic website gave this fatwa (link1, 2, 3, 4):

الاستمتاع بالزوجة الصغيرة.. رؤية شرعية ۔۔۔
Taking sexual pleasure from minor girl according to Sharia. 
فإنه لا حرجَ في تقبيلِ الزوجة الصغيرة بشهوة والمفاخذة ونحوَ ذلك ولو كانت لا تطيقُ الجماع وقد بيَّنَ العلماء أن الأصلَ جوازُ استمتاع الرجل بزوجته كيف شاء إذا لم يكن ضرر وذكروا في ذلك استمناءَه بيدها ومداعبَتها وتقبيلَها وغير ذلك
There is no objection to kissing with desire one's wife, who is a minor girl, and engaging in "thighing (Arabic: مفاخذہ)" which is to rub the penis between her thighs in order to ejaculate the sperms, and similar actions, even if she is unable to engage in sexual intercourse. Scholars have clarified that the default ruling is the permissibility of a man enjoying his wife in any manner he wishes, as long as there is no harm. They have mentioned activities such as self-stimulation by the husband using his hand, foreplay, kissing, and other similar actions.
(For more details, please read our article: Even a Breastfed Baby Girl Can Be Married in Islam and Used for Sexual Pleasure)

Do religious people consider the thighs of a minor child girl to be a reproductive organ and its shape to be natural for sex? 

Moreover, have you ever seen in the animal kingdom if any female partner is masturbating to her male partner or vice versa? But still Islam allows this masturbation for humans. 

The problem is that religious people believe not only their Allah to be 100% perfect, but they also believe that the "system of Allah" is also an "intelligent and 100% perfect system", and free of any mistake. While the truth is this, there exists no such perfect system in nature. According to the theory of evolution, the survival of the fittest is possible, but it does not make them 100% mistake-free and they could have thousands of problems and irregularities present in their bodies. 

Thus, the human body is also not perfect, and it could have many irregularities. Especially, human hormones and tendencies are delicate, and millions of humans are witness to their natural homosexual tendencies. 


Objection 11: Homosexuality should be banned because it will cause the human species to extinct

This objection is also not correct, while not all people are homosexual in society, but there are Heteros and bisexuals too. That is why in ancient Roman culture, where homosexuality was common and practised on a large scale, there still existed no danger of the human species going extinct due to homosexuality. 

Similarly, homosexuality was openly accepted and practised in China, during its entire history. But despite thousands of years of homosexuality, still they didn't go extinct:

Moreover, if the human species does not get extinct due to masturbation, then it is also not going to get extinct due to homosexuality, while more than 99% of males (including religious males too) practice masturbation. 

Moreover, lesbian couples also wish to have children, and they have a lot of ways to fulfil their wishes. 

Similarly, even if gay couples cannot have children of their own, but still they also wish to have children, and they also adopt and raise children. 

The "wish" to have children is not dependent upon being gay or lesbian, but it is dependent upon the "circumstances". For example, ancient Romans and Chinese were heavily involved in gay practices, but still they had a lot of children. It was due to the reason that in that old era producing more and more children was necessary for existence. 

As compared to ancient Romans, today humans (especially in advanced countries) are not dependent upon children for their existence in old age, but the government takes care of them. Thus, this 'wish' to have more and more children also became less and less among the 'straight' people, and many of them don't want to have any children. 


Objection 12: Scientists found no gene for homosexuality

The answer is simple Scientists also didn't find any separate gene for being straight too. And those Muslim men, who ask their women to masturbate them, then there is no separate gene of masturbation found in them too. And for those animals, who indulge in homosexuality, then scientists found no separate gene for their homosexuality too. 

The genes for the sex are the same, and it depends upon them how they express themselves further.

For example, there are no separate genes present for one's liking or disliking. But still some boys like fair complexion girls, and some like brown/black girls. Some like thin girls, while others like fat girls. Some like young girls, while some are attracted towards mature ladies. All this is not happening due to the presence of some separate genes, but due to the reason how these same genes express themselves. 


Objection 13: Homosexuals checking out straight people will lead to their discomfort 

We understand that this is a genuine challenge society will face. But please also keep in mind that we live in an imperfect world. In such a world, there are no flawless solutions. To coexist and thrive, we often have to navigate complexities and make compromises.

In fact, this challenge isn’t exclusive to interactions involving LGBTQ individuals. A similar dynamic already exists in straight relationships. For instance, what happens when a straight man checks out a woman who doesn’t reciprocate his interest? Unfortunately, in our society, some men cross boundaries and make women uncomfortable, sometimes even disrupting their lives. Should this make women start hating all men? Unfortunately, not a 100% perfect solution is possible for this problem too.

The name of the solutions (although not 100% perfect) in both cases, is: COMPROMISE


External Links:

WikiIslam: Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Homosexuality

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