When secular Western societies began granting women equal human rights, Islamic apologists started making excuse that:
- Granting women human rights on the basis of "equality" with men is actually an injustice to women.
- Islam provides a better system than the West, as it grants women rights not based on "equality" but on "equity."
However, this claim by Islamic apologists is nothing more than a deception—a manipulation of words to mislead.
When the West talks about granting rights on the basis of "equality," the context is to recognize women as "equal human beings" to men. But Islamic apologists distort this by reframing it as "physical equality" to discredit the concept.
In trutht:
- The West has granted women all rights as "equal human beings with equity".
- On the other hand, Islam neither recognizes women as equal to men in terms of humanity nor provides them with rights with equity.
Let us compare the women's rights vs. men's right in Islam to see the truth.
Women | Men |
(i) that the whereabouts of the husband have not been known for a period of four years; (ii) that the husband has neglected or has failed to provide for her maintenance for a period of two years; (iii) that the husband has been sentenced to imprisonment for a period of seven years or upwards; (iv) that the husband has failed to perform, without reasonable cause his marital obligations for a period of three years; continues to be so: (v) that the husband has been insane for a period of two years or is suffering from leprosy or a virulent venereal disease |
Women |
Men |
Scientific Studies are showing that:
Women |
Men |
Link: Women's testimony is ZERO (i.e. not even HALF, and absolutely not accepted in Islamic court) in the following serious cases of Hudud
Women's testimony is also ZERO (i.e. not even half) in cases which are not related to women's affairs like:
Women's testimony is only HALF in the following case:
Women |
Men |
Other Issues:
Women | Men |
Does Islam treats Women like QUEENS?
Islam places two key responsibilities solely on men, not on women:
- Dowry and Maintenance – Men are required to provide financial support, while women bear no such obligation.
- No Household Work – Wives are not obligated to cook or clean for their husbands (though fathers can require their daughters to do household work).
Islamic preachers often use these points to promote the idea that Islam treats women like queens. However, this claim is misleading and deceptive. Let’s uncover the truth behind these Islamic rulings.
Dowry and Maintenance:
Women | Men |
Hardships that women have to face in the name of Mahr (Dowry):
Hardships that women have to face in the name of Maintenance Money: Islam takes away many rights from a woman in the name of maintenance:
In simple words:
Islam even allows man to BLACKMAIL women to give up their rights to Dowry and Maintenance Money:
The Islamic System of Dowry (Mahr) and Maintenance (Nafaqah) is Completely "Out of Balance" and Unjust to Both Men and Women The Islamic system of maintenance (Nafaqah) is fundamentally unbalanced because:
Comparison with the Western System: |
Household Work (cleaning, cooking etc.):
For those, who don't know about it, here are some details:
Many classical scholars, including those from the Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi'i schools, argue that a woman’s primary obligation in marriage is to be available for her husband in matters of companionship and intimacy, but she is not required to perform household chores.
Imam Ibn Hazm, a prominent scholar of the Zahiri school, stated in his work "Al-Muhalla" (Volume 9, Page 161):
1906 - مسألة : ولا يلزم المرأة أن تخدم زوجها في شيء أصلا ، لا في عجن ، ولا طبخ ، ولا فرش ، ولا كنس ، ولا غزل ، ولا نسج ، ولا غير ذلك أصلا - ولو أنها فعلت لكان أفضل لها وعلى الزوج أن يأتيها بكسوتها مخيطة تامة ، وبالطعام مطبوخا تاما وإنما عليها أن تحسن عشرته ، ولا تصوم تطوعا وهو حاضر إلا بإذنه ، ولا تدخل [ ص: 228 ] بيته من يكره ، وأن لا تمنعه نفسها متى أراد ، وأن تحفظ ما جعل عندها من ماله
1906 - Issue: It is not obligatory for a woman to serve her husband in any way at all—neither in kneading dough, nor cooking, nor arranging the house, nor sweeping, nor spinning, nor weaving, nor anything else. However, if she does so, it would be better for her, and it is incumbent upon the husband to provide her with fully stitched clothing and fully cooked food. Her only obligations are to treat him well, not to fast voluntarily when he is present without his permission, not to allow into his house anyone he dislikes, not to deny herself to him when he desires, and to safeguard what he entrusts to her.
The practice of women not performing household tasks in Islam originated from the cultural norms of Muhammad’s time, where women from noble Arab families were exempt from such household work—just as they had the privilege of wearing the hijab, a right not extended to lower-status women, prostitutes, or slaves.
Household Work: Once again, Islamic preachers proudly claim that Islam treats women like queens because it does not require them to cook or clean. However, they deliberately deceive and hide the darker side of this Islamic ruling. Let's see the truth: 1. This Unfair Islamic Ruling Deserves Condemnation, Not Praise: Basic human reasoning makes it clear that this ruling is not something to be admired—it is completely unbalanced and unjust toward husbands. How can it be fair to expect a man to not only provide dowry and full financial support for maintenance, but also take on household chores after an exhausting day of work? And while the man has to work hard outside, the woman stays lazy in her bed and does nothing at home? 2. Credit of this unjust System goes to pre-Islamic Arab Society of the time of IGNORANCE: If you still insist on praising this unjust system, then credit should go to the pre-Islamic Arab society of Jahiliyyah, not Islam. This system treated women as mere commodities—valued only for providing sexual services and bearing children. In return, they received dowry and financial support. They were not required to cook or clean, but in exchange, they had to give up other fundamental rights—such as the freedom to leave the house without a man's permission. They were also expected to maintain their beauty, remain obedient at all times, and be available 24/7 to fulfill their husband's sexual demands. They were also expected to obey their husbands without question—any defiance could result in severe beatings, often leaving bruises. So, how can poor Muslim women, who had to endure such treatment, be considered "queens"? 3. Islam was not even for common Bedouin people, but only for NOBLE Families of Arab: Among wealthier or noble Arabs like the Quraysh in Mecca, women of status weren’t expected to handle domestic labor. Instead, men—especially husbands or heads of households—were responsible for providing sustenance and protection, often delegating tasks like cooking or cleaning to slaves or servants, or lower-status family members. On the other hand, rural or Bedouin women often had more hands-on roles out of necessity. The practice of women not performing household tasks in Islam originated from the cultural norms of Muhammad’s time, where women from noble Arab families were exempt from such work—just as they had the privilege of wearing the hijab, a right not extended to lower-status women, prostitutes, or slaves. The concept of a husband providing for his wife’s needs, which later crystallized as nafaqah in Islamic law, was copied from these pre-Islamic practices where a man’s honor and nobility were tied to such customs. 4. Even Muslims Themselves Are Trying to Move Away from This Unjust System Islamic apologists, although, proudly highlight this ruling when it suits their narrative, portraying it as proof that Islam elevates women by freeing them from household chores. However, at the same time, they are doing everything possible to distance themselves from it in practice. Islamic scholars have long struggled to justify this outdated and imbalanced system—essentially dethroning the so-called "Muslim queens" from their supposed thrones. Over time, they have developed different strategies to quietly sidestep or downplay these rulings:
5. A Balanced Approach in the Western System: Unlike Islam, the Western system maintains balance in household responsibilities. If a woman stays at home, she is generally expected to handle domestic tasks, while a working couple shares household duties more equally. Legally, a woman in the West can still refuse to cook or clean, and her husband cannot force her. However, the key difference is that Western law does not impose an obligation on the husband to provide her with a slave or servant, as Islamic law does. In the West, a man has the choice to stay with such a partner or separate, but he is not burdened with the legal duty of hiring a servant in the name of "maintenance." |
Unmarried Women in Islam: No Full Share in Inheritance, No Dowry, No Maintenance
Islamic claims about dowry and maintenance apply only to married women, leaving unmarried women without financial security.
In Islamic societies, many women remain unmarried due to various reasons:
- They are considered unattractive by societal standards.
- They are infertile and thus undesirable for marriage (according to entirely unhuman Islamic Instructions).
- They are widowed or divorced, while Islam encourages marrying virgins.
- Especially, widowed and divorced women with children may also choose to remain unmarried, as Islamic Sharia law takes away their custody rights if they remarry.
- They choose to remain unmarried.
Despite receiving no dowry or maintenance, these women still do not get an equal share of inheritance compared to men.
To make matters worse, Islamic society restricts their access to quality education, limits their career opportunities, and discourages them from working—yet it still denies them financial equality in inheritance.
Many such unmarried, widowed, or divorced women are then pressured into "Misyar Marriage", a humiliating arrangement where they receive neither full inheritance nor any financial support (dowry/maintenance) from a husband.
Islamists’ Claim: A Muslim woman has the right to demand payment for breastfeeding the child
Our Response:
This isn’t not woman's empowerment; it’s a grotesque distortion of nature, turning a mother into a hired milk dispenser. Imagine the absurdity—a woman holding her newborn hostage, haggling over a paycheck for an act as instinctive as breathing. Is this what you call a virtuous system? A mother’s bond with her child reduced to a transactional gig?
And let’s not gloss over the flip side: Islam grants the father the power to rip that same child from her arms and hand it off to any other woman with milk to spare. So much for maternal rights—apparently, they’re negotiable when a man decides otherwise. Picture the scene: a mother forced to watch her baby suckle at a stranger’s breast because the father flexed his divine privilege. That’s not a family; that’s a cattle auction.
Even if you squint and pretend this setup is somehow noble, don’t dare credit Muhammad or Islam for it. This isn’t some prophetic innovation—it’s a recycled relic from the pre-Islamic chaos of Jahiliyyah. Muhammad didn’t invent this; he just kept the old Arab playbook intact. Look at his own life: yanked from his mother Amina as a toddler, shipped off to the desert to be nursed by Halima, a Bedouin wet nurse, all arranged by his uncles. That’s not a divine blueprint; it’s a tribal hand-me-down, dressed up as revelation.
This system doesn’t honor women—it commodifies them, stripping motherhood to a paycheck and a power struggle. Call it tradition if you want, but it’s a tradition that cheapens the human soul.
A Challenge: Can You Name Any Right That Islam Grants to Muslim Women But the West Doesn't?
In the West:
- If a wife chooses to stay at home and take care of children, she is legally entitled to full financial support—without losing any other fundamental rights (unlike Muslim women, who lose various rights in divorce, inheritance, etc.).
- In case of divorce, she receives half of the property and wealth accumulated during the marriage.
In simple terms:
A Western woman gets all the financial benefits that Muslim women receive under the label of dowry or maintenance, but without sacrificing a long list of rights that Muslim women lose—such as:
- Unequal divorce rights
- Half inheritance
- Obligation to provide sexual services on demand
- Being reduced to a child-bearing role
- Losing child custody if they remarry
- bear her husband having sex with 3 more wives
- bear her husband raping dozens of slave girls in temporary sexual relationship.
- bear brutal beating from her husband.
- ... and a lot more
As for household work, we’ve already highlighted how unrealistic it is for a woman to be free from it unless her husband owns slaves or is wealthy enough to afford servants. In reality, 99.99% of Muslim women still do household chores. Actually, Muslim women have to do a lot more household work as compared to Western women—since in the West, husbands actively share domestic responsibilities.