Main Menu
- Why Creation?
- Why Test
- Why No Free Will?
- Divine Revelation OR a Human Drama?
- Satanic Verses: The Original Incident Exposing Muhammad & Revelation
- No Wisdom behind Islamic Lunar Calendar & 4 Sacred Months
- Role of Revelation in Prophet's journey from 4 marriages to 9 marriages
- Why did Allah WRONGLY assume that Uthman was killed in Hudaybiyyah?
- Muhammad ordered killing an innocent man in his personal case
- IFK Incident: A Proof that Muhammad was making Revelations on his own
- Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh: The APOSTATE Scriber of the Quran
- Saf ibn Sayyad (An Equally Important Incident as the Satanic Verses)
- The Mystery of Muhammad's Hatred for Dogs
- Satanic Verses: The Original Incident (Short Version)
- Muhammad: Keep enjoying beautiful wife even if she commits adultery
- Muhammad's Ridiculous Orders of using anus/penis water for Evil Eye
- Quran's Mathematical Mistakes in the inheritance Laws
- The Story of War Booty: Divine Revelation or Human-Made Revelation?
- Did the companion Dihyah al-Kalbi play the role of Gabriel?
- Muhammad MUTILATED LIVING Animals and GARLANDED them with Shoes
- Muhammad's Unfulfilled Prophecy about the Last Hour
- Muhammad's Ascension and Plagiarism: Nile and Euphrates' Origin in Paradise
- Muhammad caught SNORING during Revelation (instead of Shivering)
- Why Did Revelation Stop for 3 Years After the Death of Waraqah?
- Muhammad Created Sharia on His Own and Called it Revelation LATER
- Islamic Slavery
- The Crimes of Islamic Slavery against Humanity
- Islam: NO Hijab for Slave Women and their Breasts NAKED in public
- Arguments Used by Islamists to Justify Islamic Slavery
- Part 4: Slavery in Shia Islam is equally worse as in Sunni Islam, (and a dialogue with the Quranists i.e. the Rejecters of Hadith)
- Part 5: Warning, Radical Muslims will revive Slavery again as soon as they get power
- Part 6: Muslim argument that Islam is not guilty of rape of the prisoner/slave women, as they themselves consented to their captors for their rape
- ٰIslamic Excuse: Slavery was not abolished due to ongoing Wars
- Did the owner need slave girl's CONSENT for sex?
- Scientific Mistakes in the Revelation
- Islam: Why Did Humans Stay in the Stone Age for 290,000 Years?
- Eight Scientific Blunders in the single Quranic story of Meteors Hitting Jinns like Missiles
- No Credit goes to Islam for early Muslim Scientists & their discoveries
- The Scientific Error of Islam Regarding the Spoilage of Meat
- Quranic Scientific Mistake about the 12 Lunar Months
- Quran: Rain & Hails of ice come directly from heaven
- Why is water HOT at place of setting of sun in the story of Dhulqarnain?
- Scientific Blunders: Quranic Rain, Hail, Cloud, Flat Earth & Cosmology Models
- The Useless Answer by the Quran About the Changing Phases of the Moon
- Quranic Mistake: The heart is responsible for Thinking
- Scientific Blunder of the Quran: Sky is a Solid Physical Object
- Suffering of Pregnant Women Due to the Scientific Mistake of Muhammad
- Child Rape in Islam
- Islam: Even a breastfed baby Girl can be married and used for sex
- Aisha's Marriage at 9 or 19? (ALL Arguments of Islamists Answered)
- Islam: A Foster Father can marry his Adopted minor Daughter
- Extreme DANGERS to 9-year-old mothers & their babies
- Daniel Haqiqatjou: Shorter life span was reason for marriage at 9
- Does verse 4:6 prohibit marriage with minor girls
- Societies Before Muhammad That Prohibited Marriages of 9-Year-Old Girls
- Child ABUSE in Islam
- Innocent ILLEGITIMATE Children: Why Islam call them BASTARDS?
- Cousin Marriage: Allah is responsible for miseries of disabled children
- Children are Property and no Punishment for Fathers for killing them
- Islam vs Adopted Children: How Islam Impacts Their Lives Negatively
- Parents should not be allowed to impose their religion on children
- Mother's Milk Banks for Infants closed in Islamic countries
- Women and Hijab
- Dear Muslim Women: Hijab Is Not Your Choice
- Women vs Candy: The Flawed Islamic Logic of Hijab
- Islam Prohibited Hijab for Slave Women and kept their Breasts Naked
- There is no concept of Natural Love in Islam, but only SEX
- The Negative role of 'Hijab' in the incident of Ifk
- Unnatural Islamic hijab and modesty lead only to sexual frustration
- Shaking hands with women: Muhammad used to hold their hands
- Debate: Is Veiling for Women Good? (Daniel vs Nuriyah Khan)
- Diseases that are caused due to the Hijab (Scientific Studies)
- ٰIslamist's Claim: The West forces women to wear Revealing Clothes
- The Hijab: Experiences and Opinions of ex-Muslim Hijabi Girls
- Slave women of Umar used to serve guests with Naked Breasts
- Women and Divorce
- Zihar (Another unjust Islamic way to Divorce a woman)
- No Khul خلع for a woman without the Husband's consent
- ‘Iddah (waiting period) is illogical & injustice against women
- Halala (Tahleel Marriage)
- Liaan لعان (Accusation of Adultery): Another Injustice against women
- Strange Islam: A woman loses custody of her children if she REMARRIES
- Ila (الإيلاء): Another unjust Islamic ruling against woman
- No right to Divorce for Woman even if Husband doesn't do sex for years
- The Unjust process of 3 Talaqs (Divorces) against woman in Islam
- Issues with Islamic Faskh فسخ (dissolution of marriage)
- Women (General)
- Did Safiyyah willingly sleep with Muhammad despite killing of her relatives?
- Islamic Logic: Wives betray their husbands due to Eve
- Islamic Injustice: An InFERTILE woman should not be married
- Islam and the disease of Virginophilia only for women
- Brutal Wife BEATING in Islam (Recommendation VS Actual Law)
- Can a Muslim Man Be Killed for Killing a Woman?
- Women's testimony is not even half but ZERO in serious Hudud cases
- If Muslim Men Get Houris, What Will Muslim Women Get in Paradise?
- Islam: A Women can expose their Breasts to Mahram Men
- Some Islamic Inheritance laws, which are ridiculous and devoid of any wisdom, and as expected ONLY women have to suffer from them
- Islamists: Why women should not be given Equal Rights
- Did Arabs really use to bury their newborn girls?
- Islamist's Accusation: The West put Double Burden upon women
- Hadith: Nikah is valid even if two witnesses give false testimony
- Is Marital Rape OK due to previous CONSENT to Nikah?
- Islam COPIED Pagan Custom: Only man has to give Mahr & Maintenance
- Why no Clear Verse about 4 Witnesses in RAPE cases?
- Muhammad: Women are Deficient in Intelligence
- MISOGYNY in Islam
- Is Islamic Polygyny Superior to Western Men Having Multiple Partners?
- Women will make the Majority in Hellfire
- Is Islam a Feminist Religion?
- Did Islam really give Rights to Women based on Justice/Equity?
- Can a Muslim woman get divorce if the husband takes additional wives?
- Why are Muslim women so religious if Islam oppresses them?
- Islamists' Strategies to Glorify Islamic Polygamy
- Misyaar Marriage: Why do Muslim women agree to it despite humiliation
- The Pregnancy of a Woman is evidence of her adultery, but men are free in absence of the 4 male eyewitnesses
- How can Physical Menstruation makes Women Spiritually Impure?
- Quran
- The Ridiculous Level of Incoherence in the Quran
- Weak Islam = Peaceful Verses , Strong Islam = Violent Verses
- Kalalah (كلالة): Contradictions in the Quran or Distortions (Tahrif) in the Quran?
- Linguistic Mistake in the Quran, Indicating Its Human Origins
- Has anyone tried reading the Quran in a language they understand?
- The Quran vs The Book of Mormon: Bring forth a work like this
- Quran's Inimitability Challenge
- Hadith General
- The UNRELIABILITY of Hadith and Ilm-ul-Hadith
- Hoaxes of the Quranic Miracles
- Did the Quran Really State that the Universe Is Expanding?
- Did the Quran Really Mention the Big Bang?
- The meeting of salt water Ocean with Sweet Water Ocean and Quranic Fantasy Story
- The Pharaoh’s Mummy: Uncovering Islamist Deceptions and Falsehoods
- Quranic Scientific Mistake: Mountains are pegs
- Quran describes Gender determination by Male Sperm
- Debunking the Euphrates river hadith
- Debunking the Miracle of 360 Joints
- The City of Iram & false claim of Quranic Miracle by Islamists
- Is the Land of Arabia reverting to meadows and rivers? (A never ending propaganda by Islamic Preachers) ...
- Zamzam Water: Miracles or Deceptions?
- Muhammad the Medical Doctor [Hadith Collection]
- The Moon Splitting Miracle: The Quran TESTIFIES it never happened
- Discussion of numerical miracles in the Quran
- Does verse 39:5 truly assert that the Earth is a sphere?
- Dr. Keith Moore vs. Muhammad: Who is wrong about the ALAQA Stage
- The Defeat of the Romans in the Nearest Land: A Quranic Miracle or a Quranic Mistake?
- Surah al-Fil: Did Abraha ever attack Ka'ba?
- Did the Quran predict Pulsars and Black Holes? (At-Tariq)
- Last Hour Prophecies
- History
- History of the Jews of Medina
- Dangers from an Islamic State
- Understanding Jihad: An Offensive War (not a defensive war)
- Verse of "No Compulsion in Religion" has been ABROGATED
- Jizya was not meant for PROTECTION, but only for HUMILIATION of non-Muslims 🔥ʰᵒᵗ
- Non-Muslim festivals cannot be celebrated openly in Islamic States
- The Verse of Killing all Polytheists (Quran 9:5) is still VALID today
- Original War Rulings of Islam
- Jizya and Other Humiliations of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State
- Why are non-Muslim not allowed to PREACH in Islamic Countries?
- Islam (General)
- Adam came only 6000 years ago according to Islamic Traditions
- Are Islamic countries really ahead in watching Porn Movies?
- Islam and Black People and Islamic Propaganda
- Does Halal Slaughter produce better Meat Quality?
- Changes in Sex Life After Leaving Islam
- Eid al-Adha: The Negative Side
- Sharia: A father can not be killed (or sent to the prison) for killing his children
- 5 times daily Islamic prayers cause Mental Stress
- Valentine’s Day: Love is the First Rebel of Islam
- A LIST of Tehrif (Distortions) in English Translation of Islamic Texts
- Ramadan: Out of Balance Islamic Approach causing HARMS
- How to avoid Fasting during Ramadhan (Suggestions for ex-Muslims in closet)
- Muhammad adopted Sharia Punishments from the Pagans of the Time of Ignorance
- Reasons to LEAVE Islam: A short but concise Book
- One more Attack of Islam against Humanity: The "Breast Milk Bank" for newborn babies became a CONSPIRACY against Allah
- Prophet Muhammad used to kiss the PENIS of small boys Hassan and Hussain
- How to respond Islam apologists: "You have taken things out of context and you must study with a scholar"
- 4 Eyewitnesses: Muslims compelled to change Islamic Laws
- Enjoy: No Qiyyamah is coming according to Muhammad (False Prophecies ???)
- Is Islam more hygienic than the West [Water vs. Toilet Paper]
- The Real History of the Zamzam Well
- The Myths and Truths Behind Islam's Prohibition on Pork Consumption
- ٰIslam vs Dayouth (Cuckold)
- Why did Muhammad worship Allah despite knowing he himself created Him?
- Did Muhammad wed multiple Widows to support them and Political reasons??
- Breastfeeding Adults: Why was Muhammad forced to allow it?
- Killing of Women/Children in COLLATERAL Damage [Muhammad vs. the USA]
- Is it possible to REFORM Islam?
- Masjidul Aqsa (By Ali Sina)
- Blasphemy
- Apostasy
- Atheism
- Sex and Family Life: Islamic System versus Western System
- How Atheists Handle Tough Times Without God
- Misuse of ‘Secularism’ by Islamists in the West to refuse Integration
- Is a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship immoral?
- Muslim: How victims get justice according to Atheists
- Why Is the Suicide Rate Higher in the Atheist Community?
- Islamists: Bulb cannot come into being automatically but universe?
- Boycott the Quranic Term 'Mulhid' and Use 'Atheist' Instead
- Islamists: Atheists cannot Explain why Sex with a Dead Body is Immoral
- Israel vs Palestine: How Most Ex-Muslims View this Conflict
- You don't need to deny the existence of God/gods to leave Islam
- Is premarital sex in the West breaking marriages later?
- Divorce Rate: Does non-religious system destroys family system?
- The 14 Edicts of Ashoka the Great: Promoting Humanity
- Alcohol: Muhammad banned it to keep full control over his companions
- Prophet Muhammad brought 100% Destruction upon his opponents
- Past Colonialism gives no right to Muslims over the present day West
- Objection to French Law for Banning Paternity Test (Daniel Haqiqatjou)
- Objection: A Mobile Phone has a Creator but Humans do not?
- Will Atheists let their wives and daughters move Nude in Public?
- What is the Purpose of Life as an Atheist?
- Islamic Objection: Girls are having Sex in the West at 9-11
- Morality
- Incest
- Homosexuality: All objections of Islamic Preachers answered
- A Love Story of a Homosexual Person
- The Suffering of Intersex Individuals Due to Illogical and Unjust Islamic Teachings
- Muslim Preachers: Anal Sex causes Fecal Incontinence
- What it would look like if the LGBTQ+ community talked about Muslims the same way Muslims talk about them
- False Propagandas: (1) 4 years old kids are taught about masturbation (2) Germany is opening first LGBT Kindergarten (3) 12 years old kids are allowed to take Toxic Hormone Blockers (4) Sex Education in schools now also include education about LGBT
- 2 Objections: (1) If love is love, why don't you drink water from the toilet? (2) Homosexuality brings more risks for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
- Homosexuality: Is it a test from Allah?
- Zakir Naik: Homosexuality begins when you violate the rule of Hijab
- Homosexuality: Changing the Narrative by Islamic Preachers from "Misguidance" to "Diseases" and then to "Test/Trial"
- The Sufferings of a Homosexual Person in Islamic Society
- Ex-Muslims
- Help for trapped ex-Muslims: International
- Are ex-Muslims cowards for hiding their identities?
- Ex-Muslim Youtube Content Producers
- Are "Ex-Muslims" obsessed with Islam?
- Intelligence and Critical Thinking is a CURSE for Muslim Kids
- Why do ex-Muslims continue to refer to themselves as ex-Muslims?
- Israel/Palestine Issue: Where are ex-Muslims standing?
- Our Journey Out of Islam: A Painful and Dangerous Ride
- Why do ex Muslims think that they are experts on Islam?
- Exmuslim Guide to Living in the Closet and Coming Out
- Miscellaneous Articles
- Religion vs Irreligion: A Chart to understand key differences
- My Last Words to Allah
- Which Quran?
- When Someone Asks Why You Left Islam, Share This List
- Zakir Naik: 80% of the Quran Matches with Science
- Dear Muslims! Was LOVE between Layla Majnun Immodest?
- Do Atheists have ZERO contribution to science?
- Denial Haqiqatjou: Women should stay at homes
- Women's Faces & Hands arouse Muslim men (Daniel Haqiqatjou)
- A Democracy without Secularism is only a Dictatorship of the Majority
- God vs Barbers
- Why did the secular system fail in Islamic countries?
- Is Childbirth in Minor Girls safer than 29-year-old Girls?
- Do Atheists have no Right to Criticize Islam without a PhD Degree?
- Ablution (وضو): Does it keeps Safe from Diseases
- ٰIncest: The fear of society is the fear of God itself
- Allah's Unintelligent Design
- Shia Islam
- Quranists
- Islamic Preachers